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quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2009

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Total de vagas Salário máximo
Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo




1.771 R$ 9.557,22 veja edital
Conselho Regional de Educação Física da 7ª Região (Distrito Federal)




79 R$ 1.760,79 veja edital
Conselho Regional de Farmácia do Paraná




39 R$ 3.050,05 veja edital
Conselho Regional de Medicina Veterinária de Santa Catarina




20 R$ 2,3 mil veja edital
Conselho Regional dos Representantes Comerciais do Estado de São Paulo




196 R$ 2.770,17 veja edital
Defensoria Pública de Minas Gerais




150 R$ 6.580,00 veja edital
Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo (Decea)




148 R$ 5.629,42 veja edital
Empresa Brasileira de Infra-Estrutura Aeroportuária (Infraero)




Formação de cadastro R$ 3.203,53 veja edital
Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística




138 R$ 4.000 veja edital
Instituto de Previdência dos Servidores Municipais de Itanhaém (SP)




8 R$ 2.500 veja edital
Metrô do Distrito Federal




731 R$ 2.985,00 veja edital
Ministério Público do Rio de Janeiro




30 Não informado veja edital
Polícia Civil do Rio Grande do Sul




250 R$ 1.554,71 veja edital
Prefeitura de Jandira (SP)




240 R$ 540 veja edital
Prefeitura de Ribeirão Pires (SP)




304 e formação de cadastro R$ 3.573,25 veja edital
Prefeitura de Várzea Paulista (SP)




21 R$ 2.927,75 veja edital
Procuradoria-Geral do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul




10 não informado veja edital
Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária de São Paulo




208 R$ 2.562,19 veja edital
Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Pará




236 R$ 2.311,99 veja edital
Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo




133 R$ 2.404,23 veja edital
Tribunal Regional do Trabalho (TRT) da 8ª Região (Amapá/Pará)




7 R$ 19.955,40

veja edital

Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)




148 R$ 2.578,42 veja editais

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26/10/2008 free counters

Ator do seriado 'Angel' morre aos 33 anos

Andy Hallett, que interpretava o demônio Lorne, tinha doença cardíaca.
Ele morreu no domingo em um hospital na Califórnia.

Da AP, em Los Angeles

O ator americano Andy Hallett, morto aos 33 anos. (Foto: AP)

O ator Andy Hallett, que interpretava o demônio bonzinho Lorne no seriado de TV "Angel", morreu aos 33 anos de doença cardíaca.

Hallett foi levado de ambulância ao centro médico Cedars-Sinalm em Los Angeles, depois de ter tido problemas respiratórios, e morreu no domingo (29), depois de uma batalha de cinco anos com a doença, informou na terça-feira seu agente, Pat Brady.

"Andy era o típico garoto americano de Massachusetts", disse Brady. "Ele era demais. Ele estava confortável em todos os lugares. As garotas o amavam. Ele era um jovem muito social e feliz."

Nascido e criado em Osterville, Hallett mudou-se para Los Angeles quando tinha 23 anos e trabalhou como mensageiro em uma agência de talentos.

Depois de "aparecer" num karaokê, ele acabou sendo recomendado para um teste do seriado "Angel", uma continuação de "Buffy, a caça-vampiros" e conseguiu o papel de Lorne.

Foto: AP

Andy Hallett caracterizado como o 'demônio bonzinho' Lorne. (Foto: AP)

Ele deu-se bem com o personagem, um demônio que cantava, cuidava de um karaokê e conseguia ler a aura das pessoas quando elas cantavam, revelando seus problemas e prevendo o futuro.

A série, estrelando David Boreanaz no papel-título, durou cinco temporadas e foi cancelada em 2004.

Hallett foi diagnosticado com a doença por essa época, disse Brady, e foi internado várias vezes ao longo desse período. Ele decidiu se dedicar à música, deixando um pouco de lado a atuação.

Filho único, Hallett deixa seu pai, Dave, e sua mãe, Lori.

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26/10/2008 free counters

'Zoo must go wild with cat lot'

MANY single women share their homes with cats — but this feline lover snuggles up with four cheetahs, a jaguar, and a lion!

But Riana van Nieuwenhuizen's predator pets are as tame as domestic moggies and love being hugged and stroked by tourists, who visit the feline fan's house and outdoor nature reserve.

Sun picture slideshow

The 46-year-old from Bloemfontein, South Africa, lets animals wander the property and grounds freely.

And some of the felines like Fiela, a female cheetah, have even learnt to open doors and cupboards by themselves.

Riana’s animals manage to gobble down 25kg of chicken a day but they’re still always looking for scraps.

Lion cub Elsa, who is only a few months old, has paws as big as saucers, but Riana warns she’s also quite light fingered.

She said: “Elsa is just crazy about handbags.

“She’ll grab it off you and carry it away if she gets the chance.”

Despite the fact Riana’s pets are fearsome carnivores, she claims she’s never been bitten and they all snuggle up on her bed and get involved with her daily chores.

“In the summer they sleep outside but in the winter they’re all up on my bed,” she said.

“Then they all want a finger to suck and they purr so loudly I can hardly hear the TV."

She added: “When I do the washing and cooking they come along and poke their noses in.”

Riana has been besotted with animals since she was a child. Her father used to tease her that she was so dirty from playing with her four-legged friends that she couldn’t come to sit at the dinner table with the family.

In 2006 she received a letter from the bank saying she had qualified for a loan.

“My first thought was 'this is my big chance to buy a cheetah'."

Fiela was six-weeks-old when Riana brought her home from a game farm for £4,000.

Riana later resigned from her job as an office manager at a law firm because she couldn’t bear to be away from Fiela.

She began looking for work with animals and luckily a friend asked her to move into his game farm, in Emoya, near Bloemfontein.

Riana has since built a closed camp around the house and taken in many more animals.


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26/10/2008 free counters

Clima péssimo

Qua, 01/04/09
por gmfiuza |

Os ativistas do Greenpeace escalaram a Ponte Rio-Niterói para pendurar uma faixa em defesa do clima terrestre. A manifestação provocou um engarrafamento colossal na cidade.

Carros andando em marcha lenta poluem muito mais. O Greenpeace acaba de dar sua contribuição direta para o aquecimento global.

Isso no longo prazo. No curto prazo, mostrou aos habitantes da metrópole o que é qualidade de vida: assim que o protesto acabou, a vida ficou uma beleza. Vai ver, era só uma pegadinha de Primeiro de Abril.

Em pleno Rio de Janeiro, a tal mensagem ecológica era escrita em inglês. Deve ser essa gente branca de olhos azuis querendo mostrar seu valor.

Este signatário acaba de voltar da Amazônia (Rondônia e Acre), onde as pessoas andam um tanto azedas com essas mensagens de salvacionismo ecológico. Em contato com a vida real, a igreja do marketing verde tem um sotaque cada vez mais charlatão.

Em lugar de apagões performáticos, a verdadeira hora do planeta será aquela em que o mundo decidir economizar uma fortuna em energia, tempo, paciência e dinheiro com a casta alegre da eco-burocracia.

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26/10/2008 free counters

‘A mentira é um instrumento da inteligência’

por diretodafonte

O psiquiatra Flavio Gikovate analisa o que há de verdade nas brincadeiras sobre o 1º de Abril

Se a mentira fosse filha do diabo, como diz o ditado, não teria um dia só para ela no calendário – como acontece de novo amanhã, 1º de abril. Ela também é filha, muitas vezes, da generosidade, da prudência. Mentir pode ser uma questão de polidez, diplomacia ou até sobrevivência. Se alguém discordar, que tente passar um um dia inteiro dedicado a dizer apenas verdades.

“As pessoas nem sempre gostam de ouvir a verdade”, avisa o psiquiatra Flávio Gikovate. Há um limite entre a mentira funcional e a outra, usada como autodefesa, em benefício próprio. Procurado pela coluna, para explicar quando ela vale ou não, Gikovate – que apresenta um polêmico programa em que dá consultas-relâmpago por telefone, na rádio CBN – lembrou que a sinceridade pode, às vezes, ser uma coisa maldosa, agressiva. Deve ser verdade. Ele garante que já atendeu “mais de 8.000 pessoas” em seu consultório.

O diabo é o pai da mentira? Não. A mentira é um instrumento da inteligência humana.

Em média, quantas vezes você mente por dia? Não vale mentir (risos)... Sou um mentiroso modesto. Na minha vida pessoal, não minto. E não minto nunca para meus pacientes. Sou adepto de uma posição nova da medicina, de se falar tudo. É claro que eu nunca diria a um burro que ele é burro. Mas, tampouco, diria que ele prima pela inteligência.

É possível ser 100% sincero? A sinceridade muitas vezes é agressiva. Quem diz que é sincero e fala tudo o que pensa acaba sendo maldoso, agressivo. Usa a honestidade com intuitos às vezes duvidosos. Socialmente, eu nunca vou revelar por que recuso determinados convites, por exemplo. Não é polido.

Quem mente não é necessariamente mau caráter? Mais ou menos. A mentira surge cedo na vida, um óbvio sinal de inteligência da criança. Lá pelos quatro anos, ela já mente para livrar-se de punição. Quando a criança começa a mentir, é sinal que a cabecinha está funcionando de um jeito interessante. Na vida adulta, boa parte das mentiras também tem a finalidade de livrar a pessoa da encrenca. Mas outras mentiras são contadas para levar vantagem. Aí é conto do vigário. Estas estão ligadas à deslealdade e a uma grande falta de caráter.

Quando a mentira faz bem? Quando é piedosa. Os médicos nem sempre contam para o doente terminal o real estágio da doença. Tampouco o presidente precisa dizer que uma crise é tão grave quanto realmente é. O Lula estava absolutamente certo quando falou que não pode dizer para um doente que ele entrou pelo cano. As pessoas não gostam de ouvir a verdade.

Então a pessoa que é totalmente sincera – se é que isso existe – acaba sendo grosseira... Ser muito sincero é algo rígido. Do ponto de vista moral, é preciso ter jogo de cintura. A falha de caráter não se mede pela mentira em si, mas pela intenção.

Dizem que a mentira se transforma em mitomania. O que é isso? A mitomania é a mania de mentir desnecessariamente. O mitômano costuma mentir por vaidade, para se engrandecer.

Mas a mitomania não é uma doença? Tenho 42 anos de profissão e atendi 8.000 pessoas. Até hoje nunca atendi a um mitômano. Tem que acabar com essa história de inconsciente. Isso foi uma das pragas que a psicanálise trouxe. Ao botar a culpa no inconsciente, o indivíduo está tentando se safar. Mitomania é autoafirmação.

Qual a melhor maneira de dizer uma verdade inconveniente? De um jeito fofinho, acolchoando a verdade com alguns elogios. Se a pessoa tem seis defeitos e uma qualidade, é melhor começar sempre pela qualidade. Faço isso em tempo integral.

Os pacientes mentem para você? Muito raramente. Mas tem também o inverso. Alguns pacientes eu perdi por que falaram muitas verdades na primeira consulta e depois não tiveram coragem de olhar na minha cara na semana seguinte. Nunca mais apareceram.

Como você sabe quando o paciente está mentindo? É impossível saber. Se a pessoa quiser me enganar, vai enganar.

Há quem critique o seu programa na rádio CBN, onde você “atende” a ouvintes ao vivo. A José Angelo Gaiarsa também fazia isso, mas na TV. Funciona? Se você aparece um pouco, sempre vai ter um monte de gente dando tiro. O rádio é o lugar certo para isso, não a TV. Programas como o meu existem no mundo inteiro. Na TV, ao vivo, a pessoa vai mentir. Nunca uma mulher falaria na TV sobre as fixações sexuais do marido, por exemplo.

Ser um psiquiatra muito conhecido não prejudica a relação com o paciente? Faço coisas púbicas desde 1977. Em 1976 já escrevia em jornal. Sempre achei que isso traz mais benefício que malefício. Meus clientes nunca reclamaram. Comecei a ir para a mídia quando já estava com consultório cheio. Foi uma forma de retribuição social.

E um pouco de vaidade, não? Claro. Se eu dissesse que não, seria mentiroso. Como não sou mentiroso (risos)... Na Bíblia está escrito: “Vaidade das vaidades, tudo é vaidade...”


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26/10/2008 free counters

SP poderá ter garagens municipais próximas do metrô

31 áreas foram mapeadas, já com interessados, principalmente ao lado da Linha 3-Vermelha

Daniel Gonzalez - Jornal da Tarde

SÃO PAULO - A Secretaria Municipal de Transportes, que aposta na diminuição das vagas de Zona Azul nas ruas, para liberar mais faixas para o trânsito, planeja a criação de 31 garagens verticais automatizadas, todas próximas de estações de metrô. De acordo com o secretário, Alexandre de Moraes, elas serão construídas e operadas pela iniciativa privada, por meio de parcerias público-privadas. Ele comentou a implementação ontem durante um seminário na Escola Superior do Ministério Público.

Já haveria interessados no projeto e as áreas prováveis, segundo Moraes, foram mapeadas - ficam, principalmente, ao longo da Linha 3-Vermelha (Corinthians-Itaquera/Palmeiras-Barra Funda) da Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo. A secretaria optou por não detalhar o programa.

Mas, diferentemente do único estacionamento do Metrô hoje em funcionamento, na Estação Santos-Imigrantes (na Vila Mariana, zona sul), onde o motorista paga R$ 8,15 para deixar o veículo por até 12 horas no local e fazer até duas viagens de trens, nas garagens municipais o motorista vai desembolsar o mesmo valor da Zona Azul de rua, segundo o secretário - R$ 1,80 por hora. Se quiser seguir de metrô, terá de comprar os bilhetes diretamente na estação.

Moraes adiantou que deve anunciar neste mês a implementação de oito novas faixas exclusivas para motocicletas em ruas e avenidas da cidade, conforme o plano de metas. Em janeiro de 2008, a iniciativa fracassou na 23 de Maio.


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26/10/2008 free counters

The first ladies of fashion: Michelle Obama and Sarah Brown set the style standard for the G20 wives

By Tamara Abraham
Last updated at 2:19 PM on 01st April 2009

Michelle Obama and Sarah Brown

Fashion-forward: Sarah Brown in a navy dress by Britt Lintner with Michelle Obama in a cream embellished cardigan and gingham skirt by J Crew

Dressed in a cream embellished cardigan and green gingham skirt, Michelle Obama practically shimmered in the early morning sunlight today as she and her husband arrived at 10 Downing Street.

The Prime Minister was meeting US President Barack Obama for a morning meeting ahead of the G20 summit.

But the while the men were discussing the global economy, the women had their own agenda.

The itinerary included a visit to a cancer charity before Mrs Obama joins her husband at Buckingham Palace to meet the Queen this afternoon.

The US First Lady, who has been hailed by the fashion press as a modern-day Jackie O, was not clad in high-end designer labels as one might expect someone of her position to wear. Instead, the glamorous 45-year-old opted for a spring-like ensemble from American high-street favourite J Crew.

Classic pearls and elegant bracelets were the only accessories, the choice of low-heeled court shoes both appropriate for the formal occasions to come, while practical enough for all day wear.

By contrast, Sarah Brown's choice of attire seemed somewhat more austere as she greeted her American counterpart - a navy ensemble perhaps a reflection of the gloomy economic climate, and the serious matters to be covered.

It was not without interest though - the tailored dress by emerging designer Britt Lintner was nevertheless stylish, and flattered her svelte figure.

A pleated collar added a flash of fashion-forward sculptural detail framing her face, while subtle make-up and highlights made the most of her fair complexion.

A delicate silver chain and earrings, both from Astley Clarke were the only jewellery save her watch.

Patent round-toe Russell and Bromley shoes made for a polished finish. Like most British women, Mrs Brown seemed reluctant to part from her opaque tights, despite the sunny spring weather.

Sarah Brown and Michelle Obama
Sarah Brown and U.S First Lady Michelle Obama

Sarah Brown's tailored dress flattered her slim figure - a pleated, v-shaped neckline added interest and framed her face. Michelle Obama's chic cardigan and pencil skirt were teamed with classic pearls and kitten heels

As their husbands had a breakfast meeting, the two women paid a visit to Maggie's Cancer Caring Centre at Charing Cross Hospital in Hammersmith, west London.

The charity, for which Mrs Brown is patron, was celebrating the centre's first birthday. Mrs Obama described the cancer centre as 'amazing'.

Michelle Obama and Sarah Brown

First Wives club: Sarah Brown plays host to Michelle Obama at 10 Downing Street. Both will attend a 'spouses dinner' tonight, prepared by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver

Sarah Brown, (L) wife of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, pours a pot of tea as she visits Maggie's Cancer Caring Centre
Michelle Obama

Left, the British First Lady make tea on a visit to celebrate the first anniverary of Maggie's Cancer Centre, for which she is patron. Meanwhile, Michelle Obama swaps make-up tips with patients

'This is pretty incredible. This is pretty amazing,' she said. 'It's an oasis – an oasis that's necessary for people who are struggling. The building actualises their journey in so many ways.'

U.S. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama arrive at London's Stansted Airport

The Obamas arriving at Stansted airport last night. Michelle wore an acid-yellow dress by Thakoon

Mrs Obama's arrival last night caused almost as much of a stir as her husband as she stepped off Air Force One - the US President's armoured plane - in a vibrant acid-yellow dress by hot American designer Thakoon.

The dress was teamed with a black cardigan, a studded belt making a feature of her slim waist, putting paid to rumours that she is expecting a third child.

Mrs Obama shot down the rumours in an interview with Oprah Winfrey's O Magazine. 'I was like, "baby bump?" As hard as I work on my abs?' she said.

This morning's slim-fitting skirts had keen observers guessing if the US First Lady's toned physique was down to more than just hours in the gym.

A crease in the iridescent fabric halfway up Mrs Obama's right thigh looked remarkably similar to the VPL caused by so-called 'magic pants' - the body-slimming underwear made famous by Bridget Jones.

While the G20 leaders get down to business, the politicians' partners will enjoy their own gathering tonight at a 'spouses dinner' hosted by Mrs Brown at Downing Street.

Guests will include Mexican President Felipe Calderon's wife Margarita Zavala, the country's only first lady to have served in its Congress.

Details of the other spouses expected in London have not yet been confirmed by Downing Street, but they are likely to include Sonsoles Espinosa, the opera singer married to the Spanish prime minister, Laureen Harper, the motorcycling wife of the Canadian prime minister, and Liu Yongqing, who is married to the Chinese president.

Model-turned-singer Carla Bruni, who married French President Nicolas Sarkozy early last year, is reportedly set to be a notable absence from the line-up.

Could the 'crease' halfway up Mrs Obama's right thigh prove she wears body-slimming 'magic pants'?

Could the 'crease' halfway up Mrs Obama's right thigh prove she wears body-slimming 'magic pants'?

The two men who are married to G20 leaders - Joachim Sauer, the chemistry professor husband of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Nestor Kirchner, the husband and predecessor of Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner - are not expected to join their wives in London.

Veronica Lario, the wife of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who once issued the former actress a public apology for his comments about other women, will probably also be absent.

The food, to be cooked by chef Jamie Oliver and a team from his Fifteen restaurant, will be enjoyed by Mrs Obama and a host of guests including Harry Potter author JK Rowling, Olympic medalist Kelly Holmes and supermodel Naomi Campbell.

The menu is said to be a secret but word is guests will be enjoying a Devonshire crab salad followed by slow roast lamb with lentils and an anchovy pistachio dressing. In addition to cooking for the 'first wives club' Jamie will have plenty on his plate as wife Jools is due to give birth to their third child today.

Others to be invited to the event, aimed at showcasing the best of Britain's female talent, are broadcaster Emma Freud, internet entrepreneur Martha Lane Fox, film director Gurinder Chadha and Gavin and Stacey actress Ruth Jones.

'We have got so much going for us - British films, British fashion, British music,' said Mrs Brown. 'It's really important for our economic future that we do well in these areas.'

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26/10/2008 free counters

Protesters storm RBS office as thousands of anti-capitalists ransack the City in G20 riot

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:41 PM on 01st April 2009

Hundreds of anarchists went on the rampage this afternoon as the G20 protests descended into violence.

Several police officers were injured and a branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland targeted as drunken troublemakers brought chaos to London's Square Mile.

A small number of protesters, many with their faces covered by bandanas, broke into the RBS building after windows at its entrance were smashed.

A printer and various other items of equipment were seen being thrown out of the window as the group ransacked the office.

Enlarge A protester climbs through the broken windows at Royal Bank of Scotland

Storming the banks: Demonstrators smashed windows at the Royal Bank of Scotland building in the City and went inside

Hundreds of protesters cheered as a blue office chair was used to smash one of the blacked-out branch windows.

Graffiti was also daubed on the side of the building as other demonstrators threw eggs and flour.

Fortunately the bank was empty because RBS had warned employees to stay away during the protests.

There was security in place but this had to be bolstered by police as the protests turned ugly.

An RBS spokesman said: 'We are aware of the violence... The safety of our employees and our customers is of paramount importance to us.

'We had already taken the precautionary step of closing selected City of London branches, including the Threadneedle branch.'

By 2.30pm, the protesters had been evicted from the premises and police in riot gear supported by mounted officers had forced the crowd back down the road.

Police attempt to subdue the crowds as the peaceful protest turned violent

Enlarge A protester who was seen goading the police falls to the floor bleeding from the head after they force him back

Cowed: A protester who was seen goading the police falls to the floor bleeding from the head after they force him back

A police helicopter hovered overhead as the officers tried to get the crowds under control. They were heard chanting 'shame on you' and hurled missiles.

Many demonstrators suffered minor injuries and were seen bleeding from the head after police beat them off with batons as they tried to force their way through.

The clashes came just as it seemed the demonstration, which was also attended by comedian Russell Brand, would pass off peacefully.

Around 4,000 demonstrators were penned in front of the Bank of England as riot vans blocked off surround streets, preventing hundreds of others entering the square.

Masked and hooded men also tried to breach police lines to get to a climate camp in nearby Bishopsgate.

Police forced them back as they were pelted with empty beer cans, fruit and flour. At least one officer was seen with blood spurting from his head.

Chants of 'f*** the police' and 'our street' were heard as police reinforcements were drafted in.

A line of police holding back protesters was overwhelmed by the demonstrators, who surged forward, briefly pinning officers against the wall.

Police retaliated with a surge of their own, as helmeted officers repelled the crowd with batons.

A police officer outside the Bank of England covered in red paint sprayed by a demonstrator

The building, which appeared to be empty, was hit by a hail of missiles including plastic bottles and toilet rolls.

Thousands of officers shepherded protesters carrying banners proclaiming 'Balls to the Banks' and 'Punish the looters' and carrying effigies of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Police initially stood by as the vandalism took place, but an officer with a riot shield later halted the damage spree.

Officers on horseback guarded the crowd as items, including coins and computer keyboards, were thrown at the building.

'F*** the system', 'Beat inflation - eat the rich', and 'Scum' were graffitied on to the building as workers peered out from windows on the fourth floor.


An injured man confronts police as they attempt to subdue the crowds as the demonstration turned violent


Protestors and Police clash outside outside the Bank of England

Demonstrators continued to chant while officers held their batons aloft in front of three police vans blocking the road.

As the surge gathered momentum in Threadneedle Street, police used batons to hold the protesters back.

A small number managed to break through the police line but were intercepted by more officers wearing riot gear.

At least one man was seen with blood pouring from a head wound following the clashes.

Scotland Yard said around 4,000 people had gathered outside the Bank and cordons had been put up in response to 'increasing levels of violence'.

A spokesman said: 'There are currently police cordons in place at Princes Street, Queen Victoria Street, Walbrook Street, King William Street, Lombard Street, Cornhill and Threadneedle Street.'

He added: 'There have been a number of missiles thrown at officers and a number of surges at the police cordons, and increasing levels of violence towards police.

'Cordons have put in place to maintain safety and control the crowd.'

A blue paint ball was hurled from the crowd of protesters and hit one of the concrete columns outside the bank, narrowly avoiding the head of a police officer who was monitoring the crowds.


A bloodied protester screams at police as they attempt to subdue the crowds near the Bank of England


An injured man confronts police as they attempt to subdue the crowds near the Bank of England

Scotland Yard said police in London made 11 arrests linked to the G20 protests today.
The arrests came after officers stopped an armoured personnel carrier parked on Bishopsgate this morning.

It is understood the vehicle was stopped because of suspected road traffic offences and fake police uniforms were discovered inside.

There were ugly scenes at the junction of Threadneedle Street and Bartholomew Lane as protesters tried to force their way through police lines.

Officers drew their batons and lashed out at surging people as they tried to reach the climate camp in nearby Bishopsgate.

But empty beer cans, fruit and flour rained down on two lines of officers from the City of London Police and British Transport Police.


A mass group of anti capitalist and climate change activists converge on the Bank of England


Hooded protesters - many of them women - were prominent as trouble loomed this afternoon

Celebrity endorsement: Russell Brand pitched up at the Bank of England and immediately donned a mask before pulling it to one side

Protesters holding horses' heads made of cloth and sticks, flags and figures of death repeatedly clashed with officers in uniform.

There were clashes between police officers and protestors in Threadneedle Street, alongside the Bank, as officers attempted to hold the demonstrators at bay.

Chants of 'f the police' and 'our street' were heard as several hundred protesters attempted to surge forward.

A number of officers were splattered with paint as items were thrown from the crowd.
There was no immediate evidence of arrests as the flashpoint developed.

Officers drafted in reinforcements as they continued to stop the protesters moving further along the street.

One officer was seen with blood coming from a cut on his face.

City workers waved £10 notes at G20 protesters today as thousands descended on London's financial heartland.

Bankers leaning out of office windows taunted demonstrators on the streets below, who responded with jeers and shouts.


Furious demonstrators let off smoke bombs as the mood turned this afternoon


The protesters included hundreds of hardened anarchists

The protesters - which included hundreds of hardened anarchists and, bizarrely, Russell Brand - set off from four different railway stations aiming to meet at midday.

One of the demonstrators struck and injured a policemen with a large stick while one of the anarchists was seen with blood streaming from a head wound.

Wearing a black baggy woollen hat and with a small group of friends, Brand waved and gave the thumbs-up to fellow demonstrators.

He said: 'I always come to these kind of things, I'm very interested. I am interested in learning and interested in why these people have come to this.

'I wonder what alternatives there are and I think it makes people cogent of them. I think it's also very beautiful.'


Hundreds of demonstrators concealed their identities


The protesters included hundreds of hardened anarchists

There were scuffles in sections of the crowd as a small group of masked protesters confronted police, but the protests were largely peaceful.

Thousands of officers shepherded protesters carrying banners proclaiming 'Balls to the Banks' and 'Punish the looters' and carrying effigies of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

Businesses surrounding the Bank were boarded up and dozens of officers guarded each entrance as the protesters congregated outside.

Former financial worker Caroline Carter, 49, from Chertsey in Surrey, wore a T-shirt with a picture of Home Secretary Jacqui Smith and the word 'traitor'.

She said: 'Believe you me, this is going to get a lot worse by the end of this year.
'I suggest the bankers give up some of their pensions and give something back to the community.'

Police officers run as anti capitalist and climate change activists gather

Christine Hickey, 64, from Sutton, Surrey, said: 'I'm just fed-up with the bankers who've got away with taking all this money.

'People are losing jobs and their homes and I'm fed-up with it.

'I'm not here with anyone today but wanted to come along to show my support. It all seems good-natured.'

Standing near Cannon Street railway station, musician and political activist Billy Bragg said people just want to make a difference.

He said: 'It's better than sitting down shouting at the television at these bankers. We cannot go back to the way things were before to the million-dollar bonus culture.

'Bankers' bonuses should be taxed at 90 per cent like in America. We feel frustration and we hope to send a message today that we are very angry.


Protestors in a Saracen armoured car were pulled over by police on Bishopsgate. They were questioned and allowed to carry on their way

Confrontation: Police hold back demonstrators determined to reach the bank


Not angry: Russell Brand joins the thousands of people who flocked to central London to take part in the protests

'We need them to know that people are not going to sit back and let this continue happening to us.'

Bragg said he would be singing a song at a protest meeting later today titled The World Turned Upside Down.

Outside the bank, missiles - including fruit - were thrown towards police as red smoke rose above the crowd.

IT worker Nathan Dean, 35, from Bromley in south east London, said he lost his job three weeks ago and fears that in the current climate he will not be able to find another.

'Every job I apply for there's already 150 people who have also applied,' he said.
'I have had to sign on to the dole for the first time in my life.'

The IT worker said his primary reason for attending the march was excessive bank charges for going overdrawn.


Police control protesters outside the Bank of England. A hard core of Italian anarchists turned up at the demo


Confrontation: Officers did not wear riot gear for the operation


A protester outside Bank underground station during the G20 protests

'You end up having to pay your mortgage on your credit card and you fall into debt twice over.'

From just after 11am the 'four horsemen' headed marches to the Bank from Moorgate, Liverpool Street, Cannon Street and London Bridge.

At Liverpool Street, a medical worker who did not wish to be named, called for 'clean capitalism'.

He said: 'We need clean capitalism. Capitalism only works if people don't take more out than they need.'

He added: 'I am a family man. I design medical devices, I'm here by myself - I am not part of any group. And to be honest, I'm not sure this will make any difference. The same people will still be in power.'

'But at some point you have to take a stand and I could not stand by any more and do nothing.

'Maybe someone somewhere will listen to my little voice and I will make a little difference.'

At Moorgate, unemployed Adam Lambert, 25, of Finsbury Park, north London, from Stop the War Coalition, said the G20 leaders were 'not representing the ordinary people in the world'.

He accused police of wrongly portraying the demonstrators as 'incredibly violent'.

He said: 'We think they are representing the rich. Every day we hear of billions being given to bankers and billions are being spent on wars.

'We want to demonstrate today to say we are not going to put up with this and the G20 should represent us.'

'I think people are angry and they want to show their anger.'

Masked demonstrators said police tried to remove their bandanas.

One 16-year-old boy from east London said: 'The police told me I'm not allowed to hide my identity.

'They said I had given the impression that I was about to cause anti-social behaviour. They took my bandana off me.'

City of London Police look on as the G20 'carnival' kicks off this afternoon

Police clash with protesters outside the Bank of England

Police clash with protesters outside the Bank of England

Roger Little, 27, an administration worker from Birmingham, said he travelled overnight with four friends to join the day of protest.

He said: 'I am not a member of any of the groups represented today but I felt compelled to come down.

'We are going to march with a noisy protest in the middle of the City to show the people that are benefiting most from this system that we are not going to put up with it.

'It's also symbolic against the G20 summit because they always stick up for the interest of the rich and powerful.

'We want not just to have our voice but ideally to stop them and shut them down through sheer weight of numbers.'

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26/10/2008 free counters

Bubbly bombshell Scarlett Johansson pops her cork in new champagne campaign

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 2:11 PM on 01st April 2009

Scarlett Johansson proved she is indeed a bubbly blonde in a new campaign for Moët & Chandon.

The Hollywood actress looks her bombshell best in a series of smouldering images for the champagne house, who named her their first ever celebrity ambassador last month.

In one provocative image she pops the cork off a bottle of the French tipple, while in another she shows off her fancy footwork as she holds a champagne glass between her toes.


Toast of the town: Scarlett Johansson stars in a new campaign for Moët & Chandon

The 24-year-old, who is no doubt delighted with the free flowing champagne that will come her way as part of the role, is also photographed reclining poolside on a lounge with a huge ice bucket (but not a drop of liquor in sight).

The campaign was shot by renowned photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott.

'I am honoured to have been chosen as their ambassador and to make history with the brand, as the first celebrity face of champagne,' said at a gala film evening in London in March which was also attended by Thandie Newton and Eva Herzigova.

The head of Moët & Chandon Frédéric Cumenal said Scarlett, the star of Lost In Translation and more recently Vicky Cristina Barcelona, was 'the obvious choice.'

In a gushing speech about the actress, he continued: 'She, like Moët, has a magical story to tell and makes people dream.


Fancy footwork: The actress holds a champagne glass between her toes in one image


Ice queen: The head of the champagne house says Scarlett was the 'obvious choice' to be the company's celebrity ambassador

'She is a true icon of celebration - refreshingly spontaneous, generous, glamorous and she lives life to the fullest both on-screen and off.'

Scarlett will soon be back to her day job with a new role in Iron Man 2.

She will play the Russian femme fatale Black Widow in the highly anticipated sequel.

She is set to join a star-studded cast which includes Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Samuel L. Jackson, Don Cheadle and Mickey Rourke.

British actress Emily Blunt was initially cast for the role but stepped down due to obligations to the film Gulliver's Travels.

Cheers to me: Scarlett says she is 'honoured' to front the campaign (and probably delighted at the freebies that will no doubt come her way)

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26/10/2008 free counters

Empresas, gobiernos y usuarios de todo el mundo, en alerta por el peligro virus Conficker

Empresas, gobiernos y usuarios de todo el mundo, en alerta por el peligro virus Conficker
Actualizado Miércoles, 01-04-09 a las 15:00
La última versión de Conficker, el virus informático que trae de cabeza a los expertos en seguridad en Internet, podría activarse hoy, miércoles, lo que ha puesto en alerta a empresas, gobiernos y usuarios de todo el mundo.
Los expertos del sector han advertido de que esta nueva y dañina versión de Conficker, también conocida como "Conficker.C", "Downadup" o "Kido", ya ha infectado a millones de ordenadores y empezará a recibir nuevas órdenes mañana.
El propio FBI ha emitido una alerta en la que pide a los internautas que extremen la vigilancia y, sobre todo, no abran correos electrónicos sospechosos o procedentes de fuentes desconocidas.
Según la firma de seguridad IBM Internet Security Systems, el 45 por ciento de los ordenadores ya infectados está en Asia, el 31 por ciento en Europa, el 14 por ciento en Latinoamérica y sólo el 6 por ciento en Norteamérica.
La nueva modalidad del virus, consideran los analistas, hará que las computadoras infectadas se conecten con los servidores de los piratas informáticos (hackers), pero no está muy claro cuáles serán las consecuencias.
El gusano tiene la capacidad de crear lo que se conoce como red de "zombies", computadoras conectadas a servidores remotos sin el conocimiento de sus dueños y en las que los hacker pueden operar a su antojo.
La llegada de la última generación de Conficker coincidirá en los países anglosajones con el Día de los Inocentes, lo que posiblemente añadirá algo de confusión para muchos usuarios.
En sus anteriores versiones, el virus a afectado a unos 15 millones de ordenadores de todo el mundo sin que las autoridades hayan logrado dar con los responsables, a pesar de la recompensa de 250.000 dólares ofrecida por Microsoft.
El gigante del software lanzó el pasado octubre el parche MS08-067 que repara la vulnerabilidad de Windows aprovechada por Conficker para propagarse.
Para la jornada de hoy, los expertos recomiendan tener instalado este parche, contar con antivirus y Windows actualizado, instalar cortafuegos, reforzar las contraseñas y desactivar la reproducción automática de los dispositivos extraíbles (USB, discos duros o MP3).

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26/10/2008 free counters

Miles de personas toman el centro financiero de Londres para protestar contra la crisis

Ecologistas, sindicalistas y grupos anticapitalistas han convocado varias marchas contra la cumbre entre fuertes medidas de seguridad.- Hay, al menos, 11 detenidos

AGENCIAS - Londres - 01/04/2009

Miles de personas han ocupado hoy el centro financiero de Londres para expresar su rechazo a los excesos del sistema capitalista, un día antes de la cumbre del G20. En medio de fuertes medidas de seguridad, los manifestantes han marchado hasta el Banco de Inglaterra, donde han roto algunos cristales, con pancartas como "RIP Canary Wharf 1990-2009" (en referencia al área donde están los principales bancos británicos) o "Decisiones honradas".

Esta primera protesta contra el cónclave, en la que ha habido algunos forcejeos con la Policía, lleva el nombre de G20 Meltdown (en referencia a la catástrofe resultante de la fusión de un reactor nuclear) y está formada por varios grupos anticapitalistas. Uno de los organizadores, Simon McRae, de 44 años, ha afirmado que su pancarta "RIP Canary Wharf 1990-2009" viene a simbolizar la muerte del capitalismo. "Es el fin de los bancos y el fin del mundo financiero basado en la codicia. El Canary simboliza eso", ha asegurado McRae.

Otro grupo de manifestantes ha atacado una sede del Royal Bank of Scotland, uno de los bancos más afectados por la crisis, ha roto varios cristales al grito de "Estos bancos, nuestros bancos" y ha entrado en la sede, donde no había empleados. Estos incidentes han ocurrido justo frente a la sede del Banco de Inglaterra. Además, la polícía ha detenido a los 11 ocupantes de un vehículo de estilo militar con las palabra "Huelga" en su carrocería por ir con trajes falsos de policía.

Muchos participantes bailaban y gritaban "revolución" en su marcha hasta el banco emisor británico, donde había convocado un picnic con música y actuaciones. Uno de los manifestantes, un hombre de 55 años que no ha querido revelar su identidad y que portaba una pancarta que leía "Castigo a los saqueadores", ha asegurado a la prensa que es necesario un capitalismo transparente y ha agregado que "el capitalismo sólo funciona si la gente no se lleva más de lo que necesita".

Los trabajadores siguen acudiendo a sus empleos

A pesar de los temores sobre estas protestas, gran parte de los empleados de la City -centro financiero de Londres- han acudido a sus puestos de trabajo con ropa informal, ya que la Policía les había aconsejado que evitasen ir con traje para evitar ser víctimas de alguna agresión.

Ecologistas, sindicalistas, estudiantes, activistas contrarios a los conflictos armados y miembros de organizaciones benéficas toman parte en las distintas protestas con motivo del G20, grupo formado por países desarrollados y emergentes. Algunos organizadores han calificado las protestas de hoy como Financial Fools Day, jornada del Financiero Inocente, ya que hoy es el día de los inocentes. La Policía ha dispuesto un gran operativo de seguridad para el G-20, cuyo coste está estimado en 7,5 millones de libras (unos 8,4 millones de euros) y en el que participan agentes de seis fuerzas del orden, principalmente de los condados que rodean la capital.

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26/10/2008 free counters

Escasez de agua en Perú

Peru water shortages

A glass of water
La escasez de agua es un problema mundial y que cada vez preocupa a más personas.

World Water Day was observed internationally - not least in Latin America, and especially in Peru where almost 8 million people live without access to running water.

Reporter: Dan Collyns in Lima

Listen to the story

Scientists predict Peru will be one of the three countries most impacted by climate change. The problems are largely geographic and demographic . Two thirds of the population live in the main cities on the desert coast with a tiny proportion of the nation's rainfall. They rely heavily on the fact that Peru is also home to seventy percent of the world's tropical glaciers .

Peru is also home to the second largest swathe of Amazon rainforest which is under enormous pressure from de-forestation and oil and gas exploration. Scientists say it's crucial to preserve it not only for Peru's water supply but for the global climate system. Researchers say half of Peru's main rivers are polluted, mostly by mining operations in the Andes Mountains. Add to this the ever more frequent El Nino phenomenon which alternately causes drought and flooding.

Peru is already split between the haves and the have nots when it comes to access to water and conflicts are escalating . In Lima many people in poor neighbourhoods pay up to ten times more for water than people living in middle class suburbs.

Listen to the words

(más) afectado


rely heavily
dependen fuertemente de


(en este caso) una área grande de (la selva)

under enormous pressure
sufre de/está afectado en forma negativa

de forma alternativa

split between the haves and the have nots
dividido entre los que tienen (acceso al agua) y los que no lo tienen

conflicts are escalating
los conflictos están empeorando

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26/10/2008 free counters

Lo que llevan los tres latinos al G-20

Valeria Perasso, Cecilia Barría y Gary Duffy
Buenos Aires, Ciudad de México, Sao Paulo

Preparativos fuera de la sede de la cumbre del G-20.
Todo está listo en Londres para recibir a los mandatarios del G-20.

Brasil, México y Argentina quieren golpear la mesa y exigir un mayor liderazgo en el diseño de la nueva arquitectura financiera que los líderes más poderosos del mundo discutirán en Londres durante la cumbre del G-20.

Es que, según analistas consultados por BBC Mundo, las naciones latinoamericanas llegan a la capital británica con la premura de lograr salidas a la crisis económica mundial que beneficien particularmente a la región.

América Latina deberá enfrentar en 2009 una caída dramática en la demanda de materias primas, principal fuente de sus exportaciones.

Detrás de la desaceleración económica, se esconden los fantasmas del desempleo y el aumento de los índices de pobreza.

Por eso, los líderes quieren buscar soluciones.

Para empezar, el presidente mexicano, Felipe Calderón, y el brasileño Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva han puesto el énfasis en evitar la implementación de medidas proteccionistas: es decir, que los países industrializados busquen resguardar a sus mercados del impacto de la crisis a través de la implementación de, por ejemplo, aranceles y cláusulas de "nacionalismo económico".

Sin embargo, analistas coinciden en que ese objetivo parece difícil de lograr, dado que un informe del Banco Mundial afirma que 17 de los países del G-20 han introducido medidas proteccionistas pese a haber rechazado su implementación en la reunión del grupo en Washington en noviembre del año pasado.


Felipe Calderón.
Una cosa muy concreta que yo espero son recursos para estos bancos multinacionales que permitan flujo de crédito a países en desarrollo y aminorar la crisis mundial
Felipe Calderón

El mismo Calderón decía esta semana en una entrevista con BBC Mundo que él espera un fortalecimiento de las instituciones financieras multinacionales como el Fondo Monetario Internacional, el Banco Mundial y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.

"Una cosa muy concreta que yo espero son recursos para estos bancos multinacionales que permitan flujo de crédito a países en desarrollo y aminorar la crisis mundial", señaló Calderón.

Este es un punto que también interesa a Brasil: como potencia global, Brasil -junto a países como India- quieren aumentar su poder de influencia por sobre esas instituciones multilaterales.

En declaraciones a la BBC, el canciller brasileño, Celso Amorim, dijo que "Brasil no sólo busca ayuda para sí mismo", pero aclaró que "algo que sería de enorme ayuda sería si hubiese más crédito para las economías en desarrollo en general".

Esto, según Amorim, podría traducirse en ayuda financiera para el comercio entre los países en desarrollo, "algo que hace falta".

Por su parte, el secretario de Hacienda mexicano, Agustín Carstens, dijo que su país impulsará una mayor participación de la región en la toma de decisiones y la puesta en marcha de medidas fiscales contracíclicas coordinadas; es decir, que los países, de manera conjunta, aprendan a ahorrar durante las épocas de bonanza económica.

Unión de fuerzas

A la mesa de discusión, Argentina llevará los pedidos delineados ya en la reunión preparatoria de ministros de Economía, que tuvo lugar hace algunos días: una urgente reforma del sistema financiero mundial, una inyección de dinero proveniente de organismos multilaterales, y una mayor participación de los países emergentes en la toma de decisiones.

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
Vamos a requerir un acuerdo en políticas macro económicas globales que tiendan a levantar la demanda global¿ y solicitaremos la supresión de los paraísos fiscales
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

En este sentido, el ministro de Economía argentino, Carlos Fernández, destacó que se requiere "una mayor intervención pública" y una "asistencia financiera flexible, amplia e inmediata" para sobrellevar la crisis en el continente.

A la hora de los reclamos, Argentina aprovechará el escenario del G-20 para insistir en que organismos de crédito suavicen las condiciones que imponen a los países en desarrollo, un pedido que ya ha manifestado el país ante la Asamblea del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo en Medellín, Colombia.

"Vamos a requerir un acuerdo en políticas macro económicas globales que tiendan a levantar la demanda global¿ y solicitaremos la supresión de los paraísos fiscales", expresó la presidenta Fernández anticipando la agenda argentina ante el G-20.

Pero además, Argentina unirá fuerzas con su vecino y principal socio del Mercosur, Brasil.

Así quedó definido en una reciente visita que hizo la mandataria a su par Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, donde se habló de formar un 'frente común' ante las naciones industrializadas.

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Lula cree que "la unión hace la fuerza" entre los países en desarrollo.

Como ha sido tradicional en la política regional, México se mantuvo al margen de esas reuniones preparatorias y nada indica que tendrá una posición conjunta con sus vecinos sudamericanos.

Según expresó el presidente brasileño, la fuerza de los países emergentes en la reunión de Londres está basada en que tienen "más autoridad moral" que las potencias, ya que no han sido responsables de la debacle financiera global.

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