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segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2009

Fábio Assunção: “Eu não voltei. Continuo a minha trajetória”

Ator fez declaração nos bastidores de gravação de série da Globo

Ana Paula Bazolli


Fábio Assunção conversou com a imprensa em um dos bastidores da gravação da série “Dalva e Herivelto”, que acontece na praia Vermelha, na Urca, na tarde desta segunda-feira (5). Ao ser questionado sobre seu retorno à televisão, após ter ficado internado em uma clínica de reabilitação, o ator explicou: “Eu não voltei. Continuo a minha trajetória, andando em linha reta. Up!”

Na nova produção, assinada por Maria Adelaide Amaral, ele interpreta Herivelto: “Estou tendo aulas de violão e fiz uma longa pesquisa sobre a vida dele. A cena de hoje é de amor, em que ele lê um poema para Lurdes (Maria Fernanda Cândido). Ele escreveu essa carta em um papel de pão. Eu sugeri essa cena para Maria Adelaide e ela aceitou. Estou completamente mergulhado neste universo.”

“Acredito que o amor que ele tinha por Lurdes foi mais calmo. Com a Dalva (Adriana Esteves) era algo bem conturbado. A Lurdes acompanhava o mundo do Herivalto. Essa é a minha visão, após ler e saber muito sobre a vida dele. Ele era um carioca, que adorava o samba, bem diferente de mim. Mas, gostei tanto disso, que se recebesse um convite para desfilar ou tocar na bateria, eu toparia (risos)”, disse.

Ainda falando de seu papel, o ator acrescentou: “Nas relações familiares, eu acho que Herivelto era um pouco frio. Não abraçava os filhos. Ele era mais afetuoso com os músicos.”

Disque-Câmara - 0800 619 619 - Telefone: (61) 3216-0000
Palácio do Congresso Nacional - Praça dos Três Poderes
Brasília - DF - CEP 70160-900 - CNPJ 00.530.352/0001-59

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26/10/2008 free counters

Abelhas entram por janela de carro, causam acidente e morte no Mato Grosso do Sul

Publicada em 05/10/2009 às 12h20m

TV Morena e GoiasNet

CAMPO GRANDE - Um enxame de abelhas entrou pela janela de um carro , causou acidente e deixou um morto e dois feridos no Mato Grosso do Sul. O motorista perdeu o controle do veículo e capotou por volta das 17h deste domingo, na MS-080, a 30 quilômetros da cidade de Rochedo. Em Goias, duas pessoas, entre elas uma criança, morreram afogadas ao fugir de um ataque de abelhas.

Segundo informações da Polícia Militar, um grupo com cerca de 10 motoqueiros que passava pelo local parou para ajudar as vítimas. Como usavam luvas e jaquetas de couro, além do capacete, conseguiram retirar as vítimas do carro, embora estivessem sendo atacados pelo enxame.

Quando os policiais chegaram o motorista, ainda vivo, estava coberto pelas abelhas. Desprotegidos contra os insetos, os policiais voltaram à cidade de Rochedo para colocar roupas apropriadas. Eles não conseguiram sequer chegar perto do carro e pegar os documentos ds vítimas. Os nomes foram passados por conhecidos das pessoas que estavam no Siena, que coincidentemente passaram pelo local e reconheceram as vítimas.

O Corpo de Bombeiros foi chamado e prestou o atendimento às vítimas, encaminhando-os até o posto de saúde de Rochedo. O motorista do Siena não resistiu aos ferimentos e morreu.

Em Goiás, um homem e um menino de apenas 5 anos morreram afogados neste domingo no Rio Araguaia, em Baliza, cidade na divisa de Goiás com o Mato Grosso. Segundo o Corpo de Bombeiros de Aragarças (GO), Elves Felipe Vicente, de 5 anos, e José Antônio Dias Santos, de 43, participavam de um piquenique às margens do rio quando foram atacados por um enxame de abelhas. Outras seis pessoas foram picadas.

De acordo com o soldado Khenyo Barbosa, do Corpo de Bombeiros de Aragarças, Elves Felipe e José Antonio pularam no rio para fugir das abelhas, mas acabaram se afogando. Os corpos das vítimas foram resgatados por volta das 18h30m e levados para o Instituto Médico Legal (IML) de Aragarças.

As outras seis pessoas vítimas do enxame foram levadas para o Hospital São Lucas, em Torixoréu, no Mato Grosso.

Disque-Câmara - 0800 619 619 - Telefone: (61) 3216-0000
Palácio do Congresso Nacional - Praça dos Três Poderes
Brasília - DF - CEP 70160-900 - CNPJ 00.530.352/0001-59

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CEP: 70058-900

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How to buy the right bedroom storage space

There are built-in storage spaces and wonderful opportunities to keep your mess hidden all around your home and the bedroom is no different from the rest. But your own private hub needs to do a lot more than just store stuff while you relax and get some much needed rest. Your bedroom storage space must be ultra-organized, neat, devoid of any mess and exuding a pleasant and ambient vibe that soothes your senses.That’s why bedroom storage is crucial. Here is how you can bring home the very best …

bedroom storage How to buy the right bedroom storage space

#1 Use a combination of fitted, free-standing and built-in shelves

The obvious answer to build a good and ergonomic storage unit in your bedroom, is to use a combination of shelves that are either fitted to the wall, free-standing or built-in into the walls of the home. The combination offers you a neat look, a nice balance and a beautiful blend of all the necessary storage units. The extent to which you use each of them depends on the space available, your own needs and choices. Buy a combination of the shelves for best results.

#2 Measure the depths and lengths of your wardrobe

Before you go out to shop, measure the dimensions of the space on offer in your own bedroom. When it comes to storage options, depth is a dimension that you need to give special care. If the free space in the room is already a premium, then you might want to cut down on the depth and increase on the length and breadth dimensions.

#3 Add foldable doors to shield what lies on the inside

You can either use a foldable door (or even a sliding door) to try and conceal whatever might lie inside your bedroom closet. The doors that slide save on space and look quite neat as well. Using quality woodwork on top of these doors adds beauty to the room as well. However, just make sure the quality of the wood and the sliding mechanism is really top notch and does not deteriorate too quickly with time.

#4 Bring home the transparent boxes and pullout shelves

Ever saw those fancy storage shelves (some sort of a plastic material) in stores? They seem to make a wonderful and stylish alternative for storage options and also bring in a minimalist style to your interiors. Pullout shelves are also a fine option as they save on tons of space and can hide everything and anything inside.

#5 Drawers under the bed

The wonderful modern trend is to create an array of drawers under the bed. This is further enhanced by technology in some rare cases when you can mechanically slide away the bed to access one whole giant storage space underneath.

Buying a bed with the drawers underneath, a new shelf with sliding doors or even just a plain traditional storage chest, it is quality that is most important. Try getting the best bargains from both the Internet and the local market and you can turn your retreat into a finely organized space.

Disque-Câmara - 0800 619 619 - Telefone: (61) 3216-0000
Palácio do Congresso Nacional - Praça dos Três Poderes
Brasília - DF - CEP 70160-900 - CNPJ 00.530.352/0001-59

Todo o conteúdo desse blog é originalmente do Blog do Planalto e está licenciado sob a CC-by-sa-2.5:


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disque saúde 0800 61 1997
Ministério da Saúde - Esplanada dos Ministérios - Bloco G - Brasilia / DF
CEP: 70058-900

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26/10/2008 free counters

wallpaper home3 Guide to Bringing Home the Right Wallpaper

Disque-Câmara - 0800 619 619 - Telefone: (61) 3216-0000
Palácio do Congresso Nacional - Praça dos Três Poderes
Brasília - DF - CEP 70160-900 - CNPJ 00.530.352/0001-59

Todo o conteúdo desse blog é originalmente do Blog do Planalto e está licenciado sob a CC-by-sa-2.5:


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disque saúde 0800 61 1997
Ministério da Saúde - Esplanada dos Ministérios - Bloco G - Brasilia / DF
CEP: 70058-900

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26/10/2008 free counters

Mosaic Tiles : A Fresh Bathroom Look

Just take a look at these amazing glass tiles! Wouldn’t you like your bathroom to look like a huge, beautiful and inspiring…puzzle? With plenty of playful pictures, most of them based on nature motifs, these amazing mosaic tiles are sure to leave anyone that enters your bathroom for the first time speechless. Some of the designs are 3D, which creates an even stronger sensation of an outdoor dimension brought to your home. The designs are very durable and resist the mishaps of the weather in case you would like improve the look of your outdoor shower for example. They come from Spanish company Glassdecor, which is specialized in glass decors. Here is where you can get in contact with them for any further information. – via Home Tone

glass mosaic tiles with cool images for bathroom by glassdec Mosaic Tiles : A Fresh Bathroom Look

glass mosaic tiles with cool images for bathroom by glas 010 Mosaic Tiles : A Fresh Bathroom Look glass mosaic tiles with cool images for bathroom by glas 009 Mosaic Tiles : A Fresh Bathroom Look glass mosaic tiles with cool images for bathroom by glas 008 Mosaic Tiles : A Fresh Bathroom Look glass mosaic tiles with cool images for bathroom by glas 007 Mosaic Tiles : A Fresh Bathroom Look glass mosaic tiles with cool images for bathroom by glas 006 Mosaic Tiles : A Fresh Bathroom Look glass mosaic tiles with cool images for bathroom by glas 005 Mosaic Tiles : A Fresh Bathroom Look glass mosaic tiles with cool images for bathroom by glas 004 Mosaic Tiles : A Fresh Bathroom Look glass mosaic tiles with cool images for bathroom by glas 003 Mosaic Tiles : A Fresh Bathroom Look glass mosaic tiles with cool images for bathroom by glas 002 Mosaic Tiles : A Fresh Bathroom Look

Disque-Câmara - 0800 619 619 - Telefone: (61) 3216-0000
Palácio do Congresso Nacional - Praça dos Três Poderes
Brasília - DF - CEP 70160-900 - CNPJ 00.530.352/0001-59

Todo o conteúdo desse blog é originalmente do Blog do Planalto e está licenciado sob a CC-by-sa-2.5:


Fale com o Ministério

disque saúde 0800 61 1997
Ministério da Saúde - Esplanada dos Ministérios - Bloco G - Brasilia / DF
CEP: 70058-900

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26/10/2008 free counters

35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

One of the most important things to do while furnishing your living room is to get good sofa sets. In today article we will present 35 of the most interesting & creative sofa designs that you can find on the internet …so let’s begin.

The fabric for the Pixel Sofa has been picked up by Danish manufacturer Kvadrat, based off of a concept by Cristian Zuzunaga, a Royal College of Art graduate. The contemporary couch is sure to grab everyone’s attention by virtue of its wide spectrum of colors. I’m pretty sure that people who use computers, and especially designers would love something like this in their studio/office.

Pixel Couch

A while ago I’ve noticed that metallic & shiny fashion trends with colors like silver, gold and bronze became quite popular. Today I’ve discovered that this trend also hit the furniture industry, and a great example is the Hollywood Stardom Sofa, an unique piece of furniture that can bring a little Hollywood glamour into your living room. In spite of its clean cut and modern square look, thanks to the four, oversized, soft silver pillows on its backrest, the Hollywood Stardom is a sofa you just won’t want to leave. Made of the finest italian leather, this stylish shimmery silver sofa will make you feel like a real star! Price : $8,100

shiny sofa

At a first glance you might be asking yourself “What is this ?“, because the Feel Seating System designed by Animi Causa has a really cool and unusual shape. The shape is inspired by a molecular structure, the basic form for all objects is the universe. It is made of 120 sofa balls covered with elastic fabric. If you are a playful person you can use it in many creative ways, because the structure of the feel allows to create multiple forms.

Feel Sofa

An accordion chair or sofa made out of wood and paper, the Flexible Love, without a doubt, is the coolest piece of furniture in the universe. You don’t really need more proof than this video attached below. I’m not sure how comfortable the Flexible Love is, but I don’t care: I want this cool piece of furniture.

This sofa that looks like a rug is a great design, and I don’t know how nobody thought at this until now. This design is called East meet West and is designed by Tonio de Roover. The idea behind this “carpet sofa” how I like to call it is pretty simple, a wood and inox support and on top a persian rug. At a first glance the design looks awesome, but I don’t think you could sleep to well on this sofa.

Cool Rug

Rodolfo Rocchetti from Tappezzeria Rocchetti is a master upholsterer from Rome, and he made some really creative pieces of furniture, check the pictures below. Now to have something like this in your home you might choose a very wild theme for your home, because these designs can easily make people say “OMG !“.And for the animal lovers out there these are all made from faux fur, more here. Tiger SofaCow Sofa

There is no way you can miss this sofa design by Lila Lang. One half is a plain looking sofa with a decidedly curvy old fashioned style. The other half appears to be climbing the wall! You have to admit there is something whimsical about this design. On one hand it fulfills a function – somewhere to sit on. On the other hand, it is a perhaps a piece of art or even a statement about things driving us up the wall perhaps? If you tilt your head and view the wall as the floor, you will notice the Canape is almost symmetrical designed so it should fit corner walls in either direction. This design was recently featured in an exhibition Parcours Saint Germaine in Paris France.

canape crawl up the wall chair 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

Now, this is the kind of smart sofa that I want in my living room.Not only that it looks great but it`s also multifunctional .I bet you haven`t seen one of this yet , a sofa that converts into a bunk bed.You can even sleep peacefully in the top bed because the bunk bed comes with integrated supporting ladder and protection guard.All you have to do now is call over some friends for a sleep over. Sleep tight and don`t let the bugs bite!

Sofa BedFurniture Sofa Bed

This sofa looks like a giant brush adorned with thick bristles, but each of these comfortable bristle is designed to give you a relaxing massage.Its a very different take on the most common furniture that we see in every house. This sofa is a concept which is the result of a student from school BCUC. The design might look interesting and I’m sure that a lot of teens would get one for their rooms, but afterall his sofa is not to practical unfortunately.

Sofa be Inspired

Do Lo Res” sofa is a very creative design by Ron Arad. Do Lo Res is a very up-to-the-minute sofa composed of several soft, square-based cube- or rectangular-shaped units of various heights. The units are arranged in rows to form the shape of the sofa, and fixed to a platform by steel pins. The units all have a 21×21cm footprint while varying in height from 27.5cm to 83cm. They are made of different-density polyurethane foam; a stiffer foam is used at the bottom of each unit in order to grip the steel pin, while softer foam at the top ensures optimum comfort. Do Lo Res units may be rearranged to form a wide variety of shapes and compositions. The “Do Lo Res” sofa is a product that is apparently very simple but which in fact has a great complexity of construction, structural and production.
original sofa design

funny sofa

Home Sweet Home Sofa is an interesting sofa, that can make you feel very relaxed and comfy. On the outside the Home Sweet Home Sofa is coated and varnished, on the inside PU-foam upholstery, covered with leather, cover removeable. As you can see from the pictures the Home Sweet Home Sofa is like a very little room, just add a curtain and you can have your own place to relax.

sofa 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

This modern sofa by designer Manfred Wakolbinger is the first furniture piece the renowned Austrian sculptor has created for Wittmann. Both a work of art and a functional seat, this piece was inspired by the designer’s visits to the Orient and suites of the 1970’s. This seating unit is highly versatile, providing multiple functions as a sofa and double recliner that can accommodate several people. The Chill Out even comes as a solo recliner for the single individual looking for some rest and relaxation. The design features rows of hand-rolled cushions that have been painstakingly crafted to produce a sleek, but textural aesthetic.

wittmann double recliner chill out sofa black 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

If utilized appropriately, lighting can convert any atmosphere into a lively one, adding warmth to the atmosphere. Designers have not only made use of its effect in brightening up the apartments, but have gone a step ahead by incorporating it within the furniture by creating sofas made of acrylic that light up. The effect is stunning, as Japanese manufacturer, Waazwiz have proved, by integrating light with the basic furniture used in our homes. An illuminating sofa, not only makes the sitter clearly visible, but brightens up the room in the dark. Its soft glow has a soothing effect on the eyes, especially while watching the television.

waazwiz lighting furniture sofa mar 04 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

Patchwork is most often associated with quilts. Once a craft born out of economic necessity, patchwork quilts still enjoy widespread popularity. However, British designer Lisa Whatmough whose company is Squint Limited has adapted the patchwork technique not for familar bedcoverings but as upholstery material for her fun and funky bespoke furniture line. Just one of her chic furniture pieces will brighten up any dark corner. These are extraordinarily vivid focal pieces indeed.

vienna1 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa DesignsCor furniture takes lounging into another level, by introducing their new Lava Sofa. In collaboration with designers Kristen Antje Hoppert and Steffen Kroll of Studop Vertijet, Core furniture’s Lava Sofa has so many things to offer. The “Lava” is so many things, “a work of art and a piece of sitting-reclining lounge furniture at the same time, the concept of Lava is as diverse as its uses”. The possibilities are endless as the vertical variance reaches down to the floor as soft, upholstered mats transform even this surface into part of the furniture.
cor lava modern sofa

Remember your grandmother’s Chesterfield couch? Old fashioned floral fabric and frills may have put you off but those buttons were a nifty design feature. Well, now you can have your own updated button couch. The Star System of modern sofas shown here were designed by Enrico Buscemi and Piergiorgio Leone and were recently presented at the Milan Furniture Fair. They are part of the Giovannetti Collezioni, known for their innovative furniture design. It is easy to see why they called their collection the Star system because those buttons are reminiscent of stars at night…more here.

04 starlounge star1 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

The „Sitscape“ is a seating zone with a length of six meters. The form transforms the usual use of a couch. The design is based on specific seating positions and smooth transformations between them. Based on the preferred relaxing positions of the client we generated six basic positions and formed a perfect fit for them in the “Sitscape”. Consequently, the “Sitscape” provides familiar possibilities for relaxing. The transitional areas between these positions are undetermined in their use…more here.

Sitscape SofaSitscape Couch

I’m looking at this sofa, and I realize that this sofa is not for everybody. You’ll need some space if you are going to buy it. Designed by Joaquim Tenreiro of Brazil, the upholstered chair sits atop an expansive jacaranda frame with green glass tops flanking each armrest. Big, modern and beautiful. If you are interested you can visit r20thcentury.

jacaranda sofa

These two pieces, the rocking chair, and the love seat are designed by Scott Wilson and they are from its new line of sofas and chairs called Purity. The designs are characterized by highly pronounced curves. Their structure is made of steel so that adds strength and durability and are also covered with a mesh of polyurethane. Finally these pieces look very modern, to bad they are just concepts for now …and one thing that I could add is that the rocking chair would definitely need arm rests, rockers really need arm rests.

scott rocking chair 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

Danish designer Phillip GrassAccelerator Sofa is one of his latest sleekly futuristic furniture concepts. With its jet engine-shaped armrests, the sexy seat is the grown-up version of a race car bed. This minimalistic design looks awesome, and I hope that soon we will see this sofa for real, because right now is just an interesting concept.

Accelerate Sofa

Yang Sofa is sofa that allows you to play with. It can be interlocked to form a sofa or a sectional. You can create a range of different groupings using up to four left or right arm sofas. Designer Francois Bauchet created this brilliant Yang sofa for Ligne Roset.

yang francois bauchet sofa

Yang Sofa

Phantom couch has a very interesting design. At a first glance this couch might look like a broken bathtub that was transformed into a couch. Phantom is a semi-transparent couch, luminescent, and colorful : the body is a sheet of milky PMMA resting on a tubular framework in chromed steel. Some people use large pieces of furniture to hide stuff, or to cover something, with the phantom couch this is not possible, because this couch is like a phantom – invisible. The price for this interesting design is a little bit high £3019.20 at Madeindesign.

Phantom Semi-transparent Couch

Flavor Design Studio has reconverted a gorgeous clawfoot bat tub into a comfortable couch. Now you can sit in the tub without getting wet! You can own this piece of cool furniture for $3,500. You won’t have to deal with wrinkled skin if you decide to stay in the tub too long! Furthermore, in an eco-conscious society, this is a good way of giving another, yet more ecological, use to the bath tub.

 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

Designed by a french company La Maison Coloniale, that specializes in incorporating the concept of ancient pieces and original designs with contemporary lines, the 3 seater Jonque Sofa is a piece that can have a big impact in defining a beautiful interior. With this piece of furniture La Maison Coloniale brings you the splendor of Asian influences together with a contemporary twist allowing you to create a truly unique space by bringing together different styles.

upholstered sofa

SKiN Sofa is designed by Jean Nouve a French architect. As you can see from this picture this sofa has a very simple but innovating design. SKiN adopts innovative technical ideas such as the supporting structure in tubular pretensioned steel which holds another structural element, the cover in double-sided leather with its self-modelling geometric incisions. I like this sofa because if you want to move it this will be very easy, and I’m sure that one person can do the job. The only thing that I’m concerned is when I’ll have a heavier guest … who knows when can happend with that leather. This sofa will be available from January 2008 here.

SKiN Sofa

Flexform Oltre sofa($TBD). The backrest metal frame coverd with polyurethane padding and a protective fabric lining seat cushion in down with a resilient inner core or with polyurethane and dacron back cushion filled with down available in different dimensions bolster on the back filled with dacron Shelf/Case modular with function of armrest /backrest – metal frame covered with hide leather on top armrest in fabric with metal insert covered with polyurethane padding and a protective fabric lining upholstery removable fabric or letaher covers.

flexform oltre 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

What’s not to love about this fresh design from Futé Design? The Croissant Sofa, part of the Bobo collection designed by Kenneth Cobonpue is sure to make a bold statement in any setting. Named for its crescent-looking form, this piece is made in two versions, one suitable for indoors, and another for outdoors. The indoor version is made out of a hand-woven abaca, commonly know as Manila hemp, a tree-like herb resembling a banana plant.

wood sofa 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

Behind the Wall is a two sided piece of furniture designed by Jordi Canudas that is both wall and sofa. It offers a comfortable sitting area that becomes playful when users interact from both sides of the wall. Movement, sound and touch hint at what might be happening on the other side.

Behind the Wall by Jordi Canudaswallfa2 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

This beautiful Sofa from Urban Collection for now is just a very interesting concept designed by Marta Antoszkiewicz. This is not the first project by Marta presented on this blog, we presented also the Ultra-Functional Bulb Table and Table with Chairs that Saves Space in the Dining Room.This sofa it’s two heat-formed planks and minimal fasteners are the basis of this clean, modern design. Its backrest is cantilevered and gets locked in place when you lay your weight on it. Moreover, its durable leather cushions slip in through large cutouts in the top surface, resting on the second curve. I’m pretty sure that a piece of modern furniture like this can make a room look really good, don’t you ? – More pictures here.

sofa top 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

Volant Sofa is designed by Patricia Urquiola, and the Volant range includes the sofa, armchair, chair, and a stool, if you want the whole collection. The structure is basic and self-sufficient. The frame of the base appears orthogonal but in actual fact is a trapezium for adapting to the line of the back and seat. This leads to a shape dichotomy between regularity and irregularity, also in the perception of the seat elements which, despite the fact they seem flat, have curved sections to provide extreme comfort. Price is available on request here.

volant 143 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

I’m looking at this interesting sofa, and I’m wondering “Do we really need something like this ?“.Maybe the lights attached to this sofa are useful when we read something but I prefer another kind of light.The Morpheo Sofa bed is available in the colors black, red and green.If you want it you’ll have to spend $5,400 at ModernFurnitureClassics.

sofa with light

If you love your Aston Martin so much that you want to have a piece of it in your house, Aston Martin Heritage Designs exclusively presents the Aston Martin DB6 couch. The limited edition couch will surely add a sense of cool to your living room and cause you to be admired by your friends and visitors. Although this isn’t the original Aston DB6 rear end, the makers have created an exact replica for all the Aston fans. The two-seater couch comes with an engraved number plate. This limited edition status and customization does come with a premium price tag of $7,300.

 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

For those of you who loved Lego when you were young here is something that might remind you of that period. Designed and created by Thierry Nahon & Philippe Landecker, LunaBlocks are based on an original concept, the transformation and enlargement of bricks used in building games for children. Easily stacked together, functional and totally versatile, LunaBlocks are designed for the world of decoration and for the home. Like traditional Legos, these blocks come in a variety of colors and configurations all you need to finish a project is some glass, a pillow or cushion, some creativity and loads and loads of disposable income. Unfortunately, each one of these bricks will set you back $20-$55, which could make your dream of turning your pad into a mini Legoland quite costly. You can buy the bricks online from Homology. The good part is that you can create your own piece of furniture, and change it’s shape from time to time.

Luna Lego

Sometimes people are so creative that you’ll say “What a crazy idea !“. One of these ideas came from the folks at Coffincouches who have managed to grab the 18 gauge steel coffins from the local funeral homes primarily in Southern California and transformed them in to designer Coffin Couches. At a first look these couches look like a luxurious piece of leather furniture, but I don’t know how many people would like a coffin couch in their home. I’m pretty sure that most of your visitors will think that something is really wrong with you, when you keep a coffin in your house. Finally I think that this piece of furniture would look very good in a movie like “The Addams Family”.

coffin couch the red baron 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

coffin couch lowrider black 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs
Finally here is an idea that you might find useless, or crazy …. There are lots of mouse pads that are finding their way into the garbage since the new optical mice don’t need them for traction. Instead of tossing them why not make some furniture out of them.

 mousepad couch 35 of the Most Unique & Creative Sofa Designs

Disque-Câmara - 0800 619 619 - Telefone: (61) 3216-0000
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Brasília - DF - CEP 70160-900 - CNPJ 00.530.352/0001-59

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disque saúde 0800 61 1997
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