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sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2010

In the Best Interest of Sean Goldman?: United States Righteousness and the Two Minute Hate Against His Brazilian Family

I cannot know whether the following comments are made my U.S. citizens or Brazilians. I do know that most comments were in support of David Goldman. However, the hatred that I have seen against the Brazilian family and against Brazil are terrifying.

Nine year olds can read. They surf the net, get on youtube, etc. It is a wonderful age of exploration. It is shameful that people are engaging in a hate campaign against the only life Sean Goldman may know. Only last year, this boy lost his mother. He leaves behind a baby sister and people who have cared for him for 5 years.

It is not true that kids are resilient. This is a feelgood statement that adults use to continue to manipulate children in their own self interest. If kids are so resilient, why are there increasing millions of adults of in counseling and on psychotropic medications?

(emphasis mine)


...This so called beloved mother, abducted him, took him away from his father and country. His grandmother assisted her daughter in breaking the law. Now you want the father to play as if none of things happened. YOU MUST BE JOKING!…. I hope they NEVER get to lay eyes on him again. Real loving mothers don’t take their children away from good fathers. Women like you make me sick!--Posted by: johnnywho | Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 10:09 PM

...As for Sean’s selfish relatives from Brazil — shame on you!!! The grandmother had the NERVE to say it was a “heinous crime” to take Sean on Christmas Day. They also said it was “inhumane” to not resolve their visitation rights before David and Sean left Brazil. Are you kidding me!!! After everything they did to destroy David’s relationship with Sean by blocking phone calls and denying visits. These people have some nerve. I hope they are suffering horribly.--Posted by: Kathy | Friday, December 25, 2009 at 10:34 AM

I hope Sean’s grandmother will suffer a heart attack!She is a demon in disguise!and let her soul be barbequed in satan’s fire!!!!!!!--Posted by: michelle | Friday, December 25, 2009 at 1:39 PM

I mean Sean’s maternal grandmother--Posted by: michelle | Friday, December 25, 2009 at 1:41 PM

Ahrean i couldn’t have said it better. You articulated my thoughts–Gabie, you have poor insight and judgement- The child was kidnapped or he wouldn’t be a stranger to his dad!!!!
Ted, I see a happy ending b/c there is so much love for this child by his REAL FAMILY. I think his step father should be shot and his grandmother horse whipped–They are both ignorant and w/o a heart. They don’t deserve to ever see this child again–However, if it will help with adjustments let her visit BUT she would have to have boundaries and if she crossed them–OUT!!!!--Posted by: hopeful for justice | Friday, December 25, 2009 at 5:26 PM

I will pray for the death of that horrible grandmother. When she is dead only then will Sean and David be finally free!--Posted by: Maria | Saturday, December 26, 2009 at 1:50 PM

The grandmother Bianchi is now getting a life sentence for pain and suffering for a 5 yr crime. As for Sean missing his 1 yr old sister. He hasnt really develop a relationships with a baby and will not have a long term effect on him mentally. In 5 years, he will be a happy go lucky American kid with lots of friends and family that love him. By then, David, may let the GrandB*tch come and see Sean.--Posted by: Quin | Saturday, December 26, 2009 at 2:36 PM



10:36:45 PM
Dec 26, 2009

I believe in KARMA so I think that Sean's mother died for a reason. God took her so David can have a chance with his son. I'm not sure if she's in hell right now for her crime on earth, but I'm positive that she's not in heaven for what she did to David Goldman and her son. Best of luck to David and his son.


11:41 PM
Dec 25, 2009

I am so glad to see the Goldmans reunited, this is the way it should have been 5 years ago. The Brazilian family are a bunch of thugs. Every Brazilian that I have been acquainted with including those that I employed have a strong knack for lying and stealing. It seems to be a cultural trait, and they tell lies with such a straight face. I am sure that is what the Brazilian wife did to Mr. Goldman and probably right under his nose because he does not understand or speak Portuguese. She probably worked out all the details of the abduction well ahead of time with her parents and then just played out a role until they landed in Brazil with the boy and then made to call that would change David Goldman's life forever. Disgusting, glad she is dead. What goes around eventually comes around. I guess God realized she had created enough trouble on earth and called her back pronto and sent her straight to hell where she belongs.

Bubba Langley

7:08 AM
Dec 26, 2009

The **** who took this child away from his father to marry some scumbag lawyer got just what she deserved. I think the Brazilian government is run by a bunch of fools who dragged this thing out for years. I would like to remind everyone to boycott the Olympics in Brazil as a justified payback. Three cheers to Hillary Clinton for sending a message to this woeful Third World country. The threat of sanctions is a good tool to use on these people and Hillary got the message across to them.

There are too many missing parts to this story and yet every claims to know every piece. This is a tragedy in that the one person we need to hear from is dead and yet this is the reason that this story is so opportunistic. People can create whatever fantasy they like. They can demonize Brazil, they can paint happy endings. None of this matters rights now. In the end Sean Goldman will tell his own story.

I will close with some voices of dissent, maybe, reason (from the Orlando Sentinel article):

What are you all idiots? You have no idea if Goldman is a good father or a bad one; a good person or a bad one. Just because he is good looking does not guarantee either. In fact, many good looking men are jerks. As for his ex wife, what she did was not cool but we don’t know the circumstances that led to such a violent split….and we don’t know what kind of father or husband he was. After all, neither David Goldman nor his father give off the warm fuzzies. Finally, the most important aspect of this transaction is the boy, Sean. His mother uprooted him violently 5 years ago and moved him to Brazil. Now his father is doing the same……given very little consideration to the boy’s psychological well being. Goldman couldn’t wait until after XMAS so the boy could open his presents and give his chief providers of 5 years some time to deal with the impending separation? Of course not….it has become an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth…….none of which benefits the boy. Frankly, I don’t see a happy ending to this mess even htough Sean is back with his father. Sorry.--Posted by: ted | Friday, December 25, 2009 at 4:08 PM

Have you thought about how much this kid is gonna suffer in the USA living with an unknown men / father that he doesn’t even know well?
Seriously!!!! David Goldman is a coward to take this boy away from his real family!!!--Posted by: Gabie | Friday, December 25, 2009 at 4:43 PM

Sulamérica Trânsito


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26/10/2008 free counters

Dilma emagrece em spa no Rio Grande do Sul

A última vez que a ministra Dilma Rousseff, da Casa Civil, apareceu em público foi no dia 22 de dezembro durante a solenidade de entrega em Brasília do Prêmio Direitos Humanos 2009.

Foi também quando inaugurou seu novo visual - cabelos curtinhos ao invés da peruca usada enquanto se submetia a sessões de quimioterapia para combater um câncer linfático

Dilma 2010 - mais magra e elegante - fará sua estréia na próxima segunda-feira de volta ao trabalho.

Ela está internada desde o final de dezembro no “Kurotel – Centro de Longevidade e SPA”, em Gramado, no Rio Grande do Sul.

Há pouco, o repórter deste blog, Severino Motta, falou com ela. Seu relato:

"Liguei na recepção do Kurotel e disse que precisava passar uma mensagem da ministra Erenice Guerra para a ministra Dilma Rousseff. O atendente falou "Ok" e transferiu a ligação. Dilma atendeu de imediato.

Eu - Ministra...

Dilma - Sim. Quem fala?

Eu - É Severino Motta, do Blog do Noblat. Estou ligando pois estamos preocupados com sua saúde. Gostaria de saber como a senhora está...

Dilma - Não faça isso. Não ligue dizendo que é urgente. Eu estou descansando. Que coisa... Não faça isso.

Eu - Sim ministra, mas só queria saber...

Dilma - Não faça isso. Até logo, viu?

A preocupação do blog com a saúde da ministra fazia sentido.

Candido Vaccarezza, líder do PT na Câmara dos Deputados, havia dito ao Globo que Dilma contraíra a gripe suína. E que por isso havia sumido. À Folha de S. Paulo, Vaccarezza não confirmou a gripe.

Os porta-vozes de Dilma e da presidência da República silenciaram a respeito.

Dilma está muito bem.

O Kurotel foi aberto em 1982. É o mais elegante, confortável e bem equipado spa do país.


Sulamérica Trânsito


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26/10/2008 free counters

Hebe já está no hospital e, segundo exame, o tumor seria benigno

Hebe já está acomodada no Hospital Albert Einstein, no Morumbi, em São Paulo. Ela chegou acompanhada do filho Marcello Camargo e do sobrinho Cláudio Pessutti, pouco depois das 20h. A apresentadora vai retirar neste sábado um tumor no estômago.

Segundo informações, ela já fez uma endoscopia e biópsia prévia, que teria diagnosticado o tumor como benigno.

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26/10/2008 free counters

Professor de capoeira é preso fazendo sexo com aluna de 10 anos

Plantão | Publicada em 08/01/2010 às 22h56m

O Globo

RIO - O professor de capoeira Ailton Leonardo da Silva, 54 anos, foi preso ao ser flagrado fazendo sexo com uma de suas alunas, de apenas 10 anos, dentro do carro, na Avenida Meriti, em Vicente de Carvalho, na Zona Norte. Ele foi abordado por policiais do 16ª BPM no momento em que a criança praticava sexo oral. O caso está sendo registrado na 22ª DP (Benfica).

Sulamérica Trânsito


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26/10/2008 free counters

David Goldman: a study in courage, dignity

Once they were home, David Goldman laid down the law for his son. "Your job is to be a kid," he told him in no uncertain terms.

And my job is to make sure you do your job."

Sometimes you just have to be stern.

Ten days ago, Sean Goldman returned to a familiar house in Tinton Falls, the only house he knew the first four years of his life. The house sits on a hill overlooking the Swimming River. Now 9, Sean remembered the pool in the backyard and all the trees and the river at the bottom of the hill, where they still keep the canoe. Also, he remembered the cat. First night back, he jumped up on Sean's bed, curled up next to him and fell asleep, purring loudly.
Sean seems to be settling in nicely, says his father, currently the happiest man in three counties. "He's home, he's happy, he's safe," says David, "Now I can begin to be who I'm supposed to be."

For the past 5 1/2 years, David Goldman has been living among us as an impostor. His old friends, the ones who knew him to be full of life, barely recognized him. As one of them once put it, he has "just looked blank" since the day his former wife, Bruna, abducted the boy and took him to Brazil.

That was June 2004. Since then Goldman has made the trip down to Brazil no fewer than 13 times, trying every which way to get his son back. He had two attorneys working the case, one here, one in Brazil.

He also had hostile former in-laws conspiring with Bruna's new Brazilian husband to keep him from seeing his son, from communicating with his son. His tormentors were affluent people with political clout. David was an American in a foreign land, on his own.

"He was Don Quixote," says his father, Barry Goldman.

Yet David kept going down there and coming back emotionally bloodied. He was getting his teeth kicked in, over and over, despite the fact that the law was so obviously on his side — U.S. law, Brazilian law, international law.

Then Bruna died after giving birth to another child in August 2008, and it appeared the law of common sense if not common decency might kick in. It didn't. Things got worse. Only now David had a few people listening to him.

Shouting in the dark

For four years, no one could hear him. He was shouting in the dark. Meanwhile, his father says, David wasn't eating, wasn't sleeping. Ellie Goldman, David's mother, was terribly worried. So was his sister, Leslie.

"My brother lost the love of his life and what he thought was the perfect family," Leslie once recalled. "The first two years, David couldn't be around my children. It was too difficult for him."

In late September 2008, David's friends began pursuing other avenues. On their Web site — bringseanhome.org — they collected more than 55,000 signatures on a petition. Media interest increased, ever so slightly.
Finally, a reporter from the local ABC affiliate, friend of a friend, talked his bosses into giving him 30 seconds on the 11 o'clock news. The "Today Show" picked up on this and brought Goldman in for a brief interview a few days later. In early October 2008, the Asbury Park Press began tracking the story.

Fifteen months ago, David Goldman was the saddest man I had ever met. His eyes downcast, he would recount his nightmare in a monotone, his voice rising only occasionally to let out some of the steam.

"It was such a blow to him," says his father. "He didn't sleep, didn't eat. He wasn't interested in anything but getting Sean back.

"He just kept pounding away, pounding away. Just the way he did it, I couldn't do that. He controlled himself. He never let the anger get the best of him. I tell you, I couldn't do that. He didn't get that from me.

"But now he's starting to come back. He's making his comeback. He looks like himself again. You know how they say pregnant women look like they're glowing? Well, since he got Sean back, David looks like he's glowing."

Barry Goldman is currently the second happiest man in three counties.

"As happy as we are to have our grandson back," he says, "we have our son back too, and that's just about as important. For all those years he was different, like somebody who had a sour stomach or something. He never looked happy. He couldn't get this off his mind."

David Goldman couldn't talk about anything else. He was completely focused on what he calls "the biggest mission of my life."

"I had to continue to work," he says. "I had to continue to live.

"You move forward just because time doesn't stop. Time won't let you stop. You wake up every morning and you're still alive.

"People got a glimpse of what I was going through over the last year. They got to look through that window for a year, and people told me they got burnt out just in that one year. The first four years I was on my own."

Man on a mission

Over the last year, he has been tireless. He would go on any TV show that would have him, even the sleazy ones. They "have good penetration in Brazil," he would say about the show when you asked if he knew what he was getting himself into. He would consent to any interview, even the ones that involved hosts who never do their homework and ask ridiculous questions. Didn't matter, he was on a mission.

He traveled back and forth, to New York, to Washington, meeting with anybody and everybody, sleeping on the train, eating on the run.

How did he manage to hold it together? You have to wonder.

"And to do it with such grace," says Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J. "He never lashed out. He never let his anger get the best of him."

Smith went down to Brazil with Goldman last February. Goldman finally got to see his son that trip . . . finally, after 4 1/2 years. Smith saw the genuine affection between father and son. He saw how the in-laws and the Brazilian husband tried to disrupt the court-ordered visitation.

Smith also went down with Goldman this last time, right before Christmas. He and Goldman were standing in a second-story window watching the final indignity on Christmas Eve, watching as this 9-year-old boy was marched down the street to the U.S. consulate, through the cameramen and the photographers.

"David got very emotional, as you can imagine," says Smith. "He said 'They're hurting my son. Why are they hurting my son?'

"Their lawyer told a CBS reporter they wanted to do that just to show Americans how this boy was being ripped from his family."

This was consistent with their behavior throughout the ordeal. Then again, it was never really their ordeal. This was David Goldman's ordeal. He's the one who never lost sight of his mission, who never stopped being consumed by the love he had for his child.

Now they are back in the house on the hill overlooking the river.

MORE ON TV: "Dateline NBC" will air a two-hour report on the Goldman case tonight starting at 8 p.m. on NBC stations.

Sulamérica Trânsito


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26/10/2008 free counters

Video: Sean Goldman returns to school in NJ

The 'Today' show catches up with David and Sean Goldman and the boy prepares to return to attending school in New Jersey.

Sulamérica Trânsito


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26/10/2008 free counters

Venezuela devalúa bolívar, establece dos tipos cambio

CARACAS (Reuters) - El Gobierno de Venezuela anunció el viernes una devaluación del bolívar y estableció dos tipos de cambio en el marco del control de cambiario vigente desde el 2003, en momentos en que el país está en recesión y presenta la inflación más alta del continente.

El presidente Hugo Chávez dijo que desde el lunes habrá un tipo de cambio para sectores prioritarios como salud y alimentación a 2,6 bolívares/dólar y otro llamado "dólar petrolero" de 4,3 bolívares/dólar para otros rubros como el automotriz, comercio y telecomunicaciones.

El tipo de cambio único que estaba vigente hasta ahora, fijado desde el 2005, era de 2,15 bolívares por dólar, que regía para todos los sectores.

"Todo esto lleva varios objetivos: el reimpulso de la economía productiva, el fortalecimiento de la economía venezolana, el frenar las importaciones que no sean estrictamente necesarias y también al mismo tiempo estimular la política exportadora", dijo Chávez desde un consejo de ministros trasmitido por la televisora estatal.

El mandatario, quien dice llevar al país hacia un modelo socialista, se había negado por mucho tiempo a devaluar la moneda a pesar de que analistas habían dicho que su Gobierno se veía forzado a hacerlo para enfrentar la recesión en un año de elecciones legislativas.

Chávez también dijo que el Banco Central de Venezuela y el Gobierno intervendrán en el mercado "paralelo" de divisas en donde la tasa cambiaria ha trepado en ocasiones a 7 bolívares por dólar, lo que ha atizado el alza de los precios. No obstante, no dio detalles sobre la estrategia.

El viernes el dólar paralelo subió desde alrededor de 5,9 a 6,1 bolívares, en medio de los rumores sobre la inminente devaluación.

La última vez que Venezuela decretó una devaluación de la moneda fue en el 2005, de un 11 por ciento, cuando el tipo de cambio pasó a 2.150 bolívares (hoy 2,15 bolívares/dólar tras una reconversión monetaria).

La economía de Venezuela se contrajo un 2,9 por ciento en el 2009, tras un lustro continuo de crecimiento, al tiempo que la inflación despidió el año pasado en un 25,1 por ciento, una de las mayores del mundo.

Gremios y analistas habían sugerido el establecimiento de un sistema cambiario "dual" que permitiera a la vez hacer más fluida la entrega de dólares a la economía.

El país, uno de los principales abastecedores de petróleo a Estados Unidos, importa más del 90 por ciento de los bienes que consume.

(Con reporte de Patricia Rondón, Andrew Cathorne y Frank Daniel; Editado por Ricardo Figueroa)

Sulamérica Trânsito


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26/10/2008 free counters

Chávez anuncia devaluación y cambio dual en Venezuela

CARACAS (AP) - El presidente Hugo Chávez anunció el viernes la primera devaluación del bolívar desde el 2005, como parte de la política de control de cambios instaurada en el 2003.

El bolívar que hasta ahora se cotizaba oficialmente a unos 2,15 por dólar, a partir de ahora tendrá dos tipos de cambio en función del uso: 2,60 por dólar para las transacciones consideradas como prioritarias por el gobierno, como la importación de alimentos, o 4,30 por dólar para otras transacciones.

El mandatario informó que las nuevas tasas entrarán en vigencia de inmediato.

Este es el cuarto ajuste del tipo de cambio que realiza la administración de Chávez desde que impusieron el control de cambio hace casi siete años

Sulamérica Trânsito


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26/10/2008 free counters