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domingo, 20 de junho de 2010

Dicas para seu cão não sofrer com os rojões na hora do jogo

Cada jogo do Brasil na Copa do Mundo pode significar uma tortura para os amigos peludos e seus donos. O kit torcedor (vuvuzelas, apitos, fogos de artifício) agrada aos humanos, que vibram a cada vitória da seleção brasileira com seus apetrechos. Porém, no mundo animal a história pode ser bem diferente.

Durante a estreia do Brasil, no jogo contra a Coreia do Norte, a diretora de arte da Criativa, Cristina Naumovs, precisou deixar a redação para cuidar da Gilda, sua dachshund medrosa. “Uma vez cheguei à minha casa e ela estava presa no vidro da janela, acabou levando 50 pontos”, conta Cristina.

Gilda, a dachshund da Cris esconde-se dos fogos embaixo do edredom

Segundo Daniel Svevo, veterinário, especialista em comportamento animal e consultor da organização Cão Cidadão, os animais têm medo de barulho naturalmente, uns mais, outros menos. “É uma questão evolutiva. Foram selecionados cães mais medrosos, pois esses teriam mais chances de sobreviver e procriar do que os corajosos”, explica.

Neste domingo, dia 20, a seleção brasileira entra em campo novamente e alguns cuidados podem ser essenciais para o bem estar do seu bichinho. Para amenizar o sofrimento deles, o bicharada ouviu especialistas e separou as melhores dicas para você.

Prevenir o medo

Se você tem um cão ou gato ainda filhote, com três ou quatro meses, não o conforte em situações de barulho. O ideal é brincar com bolinha ou distrair o pet durante o ruído. Mantenha uma atividade prazerosa com o cão, como brincadeiras, e gradualmente exponha-o a estímulos barulhentos.

Tratar o medo

Segundo os especialistas, é possível tratar o trauma do animal mesmo quando adulto, porém o processo é mais demorado que a prevenção e deverá ser feito com a ajuda de um profissional. “Usamos um CD com sons de fogos, com o som bem baixo e mantemos uma atividade prazerosa com o animal, pode ser uma brincadeira com a bolinha ou petiscos. Aumentamos o som gradualmente para ele ir se acostumando”, explica Svevo.

Sete medidas paliativas

1. Solte a coleira

Não deixe seu cachorro ou gato na coleira. Muitos animais, quando presos, morrem por enforcamento, no desespero de fugir dos fogos e rojões.

2. Deixe-o num local tranquilo

Se precisar isolar seu pet, deixe-o fechado em um local sem vidro e seguro. Com medo, muitos animais atravessam a vidraça e acabam se ferindo gravemente.

3. Acalme-o

Homeopatia, florais e acupuntura podem diminuir o medo e a ansiedade do seu animal. Mas esses tratamentos devem ser feitos ao longo do ano. Converse com seu veterinário, pois é ele quem dirá a dose certa e o medicamento correto.

4. Algodão no ouvido

Em casos extremos, alguns veterinários indicam colocar um chumaço de algodão nos ouvidos do animal, porém alguns pet podem estranhar também essa situação.

5. Cuidado com as fugas

Não deixei portas e janelas abertas, cães e gatos podem tentar fugir para a rua com receio dos fogos.

6. Televisão ou rádio ligado

Para trazer conforto ao animal, você pode colocá-lo em um local seguro, com a luz acesa e a televisão ou rádio ligado (não muito alto) para abafar o som dos rojões.

7. Sem vizinhança

Uma solução, principalmente para quem tem em casa um animal com fobia grave a barulhos, é afastar completamente o bicho, deixando-o em locais protegidos, como hotel longe da cidade e sem vizinhança.



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26/10/2008 free counters

Brasil vence a Costa do Marfim por 3 a 1

Luis Fabiano marca duas vezes, e Kaká é expulso no segundo tempo

Por Leandro Canônico Direto de Joanesburgo, África do Sul

Foi uma vitória para restabelecer a paz entre a seleção brasileira e a torcida, que na arquibancada do Soccer City gritou "olé" e "o campeão voltou" para o placar de 3 a 1 sobre a Costa do Marfim neste domingo, em Joanesburgo. E foi também uma vitória que testou os nervos de aço de alguns jogadores, já que os africanos apelaram para faltas duras depois de levarem três gols até os 17 minutos do segundo tempo. Kaká não passou nesse teste e foi expulso.

Os gols marcados por Luis Fabiano (duas vezes) e Elano fazem do Brasil o segundo país classificado para as oitavas de final da Copa do Mundo, depois da Holanda, e o terceiro a conseguir 100% de aproveitamento, junto com holandeses e argentinos. A primeira colocação do Grupo G pode ficar garantida já nesta segunda-feira, em caso de empate entre Portugal e Coreia do Norte, que se enfrentam às 8h30m. O Brasil, que foi a seis pontos, enfrenta na última rodada os portugueses, que por enquanto têm um. Os africanos, que ficaram estacionados em um ponto, encaram os coreanos (que têm zero). Os dois jogos serão realizados ao mesmo tempo, às 11h de sexta-feira.

Se contra a Coreia do Norte o Brasil demorou a criar um lance de perigo, no jogo deste domingo ele surgiu com menos de um minuto. Robinho puxou contra-ataque, após tabela com Kaká, e arriscou de longe - sem tanto perigo - em vez de tentar o passe para Luis Fabiano, mais bem colocado pela esquerda. O que parecia um bom sinal, entretanto, transformou-se em exceção nos primeiros 20 minutos.

Foi da Costa do Marfim a iniciativa do jogo. Ela não mostrou a mesma retranca do empate por 0 a 0 com Portugal e foi além: avançou a marcação para combater a saída de bola da seleção e dominou o meio-campo. Kaká foi desarmado duas vezes logo no começo, e os brasileiros, que davam a impressão de estarem perdidos, cometeram seis faltas em 14 minutos.

Com dificuldade para dominar a bola e tocá-la no meio-campo, a seleção recorreu a um corta-luz para conseguir sua primeira jogada bem trabalhada na partida, somente aos 19 minutos. Elano abriu as pernas e deixou a bola passar na direção de Maicon, que errou no cruzamento. Se não levou perigo, o lance ao menos serviu para deixar a seleção um pouco mais à vontade no jogo.

Seis minutos depois, veio o gol de Luis Fabiano. A jogada teve início com Robinho mais recuado e teve sequência com um calcanhar nem tão certeiro de Luis Fabiano e um bom passe de Kaká. O atacante tomou a frente de seu marcador e, na cara do goleiro, soltou a bomba: 1 a 0. Na comemoração, fez o número 6 com as mãos - uma homenagem ao aniversário da filha e, coincidentemente, o número de partidas que passou em branco. Havia marcado pela última vez contra a Argentina, em setembro do ano passado.

O gol não pôs o Brasil no caminho do bom futebol. Os erros de passe continuaram acontecendo, somados a falhas bobas no domínio de bola. O nervosismo do time parecia contagiar Dunga, que reclamou da arbitragem e passou o primeiro tempo brigando com o microfone próximo à área técnica, até arrancá-lo do gramado e colocá-lo atrás do banco.

A seleção não conseguiu criar lances de perigo, concluindo apenas uma vez no gol, mas por outro lado mostrou solidez defensiva, com boas atuações de Lúcio e dos volantes Gilberto Silva e Felipe Melo. Com isso, a Costa do Marfim obrigou Julio Cesar a fazer apenas uma defesa em 45 minutos, num chute forte de Yaya Touré.

A segunda etapa começou com forte marcação da Costa do Marfim e o Brasil recorrendo a uma jogada individual para fazer 2 a 0. Com uma ajudinha da arbitragem, é verdade. Luis Fabiano dominou a bola duas vezes no braço, e entre elas deu dois balões em adversários, chutando para a rede. Enquanto voltava para o seu campo, uma cena curiosa: foi abordado pelo árbitro francês Stephane Lannoy, que, sorrindo, quis saber se ele dominara com o peito ou com o braço. Luis Fabiano não teve dúvida: sério, apontou para o peito. E ouviu seu nome ecoar no Soccer City.

Com exceção de uma cabeçada perigosa de Drogba, a defesa continuava sem grandes sustos. E no ataque o time já encontrava espaços para tocar a bola. Kaká deu um chute perigoso, após passe de Robinho. E no minuto seguinte, aos 17, o meia fez boa jogada pela ponta esquerda, cruzando rasteiro para a conclusão de Elano: 3 a 0.

Nervosos com os 3 a 0 da seleção brasileira, os marfinenses começaram a abusar das faltas. Além da entrada dura de Tioté em Elano, que saiu carregado de campo, aos 30 minutos, Keita fez falta violenta em Michel Bastos e levou o cartão amarelo. Até mesmo quando sofriam falta, a reação era um braço aqui, outro ali.

Como aconteceu com Kaká e Yaya Touré. O meia brasileira entrou forte no jogador da Costa do Marfim, mas ficou irritado com a mão na nuca que recebeu. Entregue em campo, o time africano ainda conseguiu arrumar espaço para diminuir. Aos 33 minutos, Drogba recebeu ótimo lançamento de Yaya Touré e marcou de cabeça.

Soberano na defesa, o Brasil não se assustou com o gol marfinense e continuou tocando a bola com tranquilidade. Detalhe negativo apenas que esse foi o primeiro gol que a seleção brasileira sofreu de uma equipe africana em Copas do Mundo. Nos outros cinco confrontos que existiram, um triunfo por 1 a 0 e quatro por 3 a 0.

Aos 39 minutos, Kaká deu um empurrão em Keita, com o jogo parado, e foi punido com o cartão amarelo. Por outro lado, o juiz mantinha uma postura tranquila diante das força excessiva dos africanos. Sobrou, então, para o Brasil. Aos 42 minutos, Keita caminhou em direção a Kaká, que deixou o corpo duro e se protegeu.

O braço do camisa 10 do Brasil chegou realmente a pegar no peito do marfinense, mas não com violência. Só que Keita caiu no gramado e colocou a mão no rosto. O árbitro, então, entendeu que Kaká merecia mais um amarelo. Aplicou e em seguida o expulsou de campo, para irritação do técnico Dunga. Agora, Kaká está fora da partida da próxima sexta-feira, contra Portugal, em Durban. Pelo menos o Brasil já está classificado às oitavas de final.

Ficha técnica:

Julio Cesar, Maicon, Lúcio, Juan e Michel Bastos; Gilberto SIlva, Felipe Melo, Elano (Daniel Alves); e Kaká; Robinho (Ramires) e Luis Fabiano. Boubacar Barry, Demel, Kolo Touré, Zokora e Tiéné; Yaya Touré, Eboué e Tioté; Dindane (Gervinho), Drogba e Kalou (Keita).
Técnico: Dunga. Técnico: Sven-Goran Eriksson.
Gols: Luis Fabiano, aos 24 minutos do primeiro tempo; Luis Fabiano, aos seis, Elano, aos 17, e Drogba, aos 33 minutos do segundo tempo.
Cartão amarelo: Tiéné, Keita, Tioté e Kaká. Cartão vermelho: Kaká.
Estádio: Soccer City (em Joanesburgo). Data: 20/06/2010. Árbitro: Stephane Lannoy (FRA). Assistentes: Eric Dansault e Laurent Ugo (FRA). Público: 84.455.



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26/10/2008 free counters

Brazil 3 - 1 Ivory Coast live

Second Half - 88'


3 - 1

Ivory Coast

Group G, 18:30 GMT, June 20, 2010

Soccer City Stadium, Johannesburg, South Africa

  • 87'

    Keita is down holding his face. He ran into Kaka's shoulder and there was nothing at all in it.

  • 87'

    There is a fight breaking out!

  • 86'

    Elano goes down in pain.

  • 85'

    Toite gets booked for a late swipe at Fabiano.

  • 84'

    Kaka gets booked for nudging Keita off the ball.

  • 83'

    ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: The loudest cheer of the night for Drogba's goal. He's clearly a real African hero. That Brazil defence, it's by no means impregnable, is it? That goal could be vital in group terms.

  • 82'

    Alves runs at the IC defence. He pretends to shoot, but the defender isn't fooled and makes a great tackle.

  • 81'

    Gervinho has made a big difference for the Ivory Coast, but it is surely too little too late.

  • 80'

    Elano celebrates with team-mates.

  • 79'

    It all came from Gervinho's run. He passed it back to Yaya Toure, who crossed for Drogba to head in.

  • 79'

    GOAL Drogba heads it from the penalty spot.

  • 78'

    Gervinho runs the length of the pitch on the break. He can't score but holds up the ball...

  • 77'

    Brazil attack at pace with some slick passing. It only breaks down when Alves attempts a cheeky back-heel.

  • 76'

    It's foul after foul now by IC, who seem to have lost all discipline. Kaka is getting angry, as is Dunga on the sidelines.

  • 75'

    ESPN Stats & Info: Kaka is the first player with two assists in one game during this tournament.

  • 74'

    It's another studs up challenge by an IC player and another bad foul.

  • 74'

    Bastos has been caught by Keita. The latter gets booked.

  • 73'

    ESPN Stats & Info: Luis Fabiano's brace is the 35th two goal or more performance by a Brazilian player in the World Cup, which is the most all-time by any nation. Germany is second all-time with 27. Ronaldo has the most braces in Brazil's history with four.

  • 72'

    Brazil celebrate after number two.

  • 71'

    Eboue goes of for Ivory Coast. On comes Romaric.

  • 71'

    Eboue loops in a corner that goes over everybody and goes out for a throw.

  • 70'

    IC are 3-0 down and still Drogba seems to be the only player in the box. He wins a corner.

  • 69'

    Maicon nutmegs Tiote and runs at goal. He fires off a curling shot that bends wide of the far post. The trick are coming out now for Brazil.

  • 68'

    ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: So much for my predictions. I am afraid it is just about all over for African teams unless the North Koreans pull off a miracle tomorrow. Brazil, while never flowing, are a machine. Only unbeaten Confederations - CONMEBOL and Oceania...

  • 68'

    IC make a change too. Kalou goes off and Keita comes on.

  • 67'

    Elano goes off to get some treatment and Dani Alves comes on. Elano is on his feet on the sidelines so the injury might not be too bad.

  • 66'

    Brazil are going to make a change.

  • 65'

    It looks a bad one. The replay makes it look worse and that could be a fractured leg for Elano.

  • 65'

    Elano slides into a tackle with Tiote, who leaves his foot in and catches the Brazilian.

  • 64'

    Demel wins a corner off Bastos. The defender protests but IC have a chance to put the ball in the box. But it is a poor corner.

  • 63'

    It was an easy finish, but a great run from Elano. Kaka with another assist.

  • 62'

    GOAL Elano strikes! Finishing off a cut back from Kaka.

  • 61'

    Robinho and Kaka combine on the edge of the box. Kaka's shot stings the hands of Barry, but doesn't beat the keeper.

  • 60'

    ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: Drogba's second glaring miss of the tournament. His being on the field reminds me of Sven playing clearly unfit stars in both Beckham and Rooney.

  • 59'

    Maicon passes inside. Elano attempts a shot from 30-yards that goes well wide.

  • 58'

    Gervinho makes a great turn in midfield and runs at the defence. He tries to go all the way himself but over-runs the ball. He looks like a dangerman though.

  • 57'

    Kalou fires the ball up to Drogba, who spins Lucio, but is incorrectly flagged offside.

  • 56'

    A scrappy affair in midfield at the moment.

  • 55'

    Gervinho comes on for Dindane.

  • 54'

    IC are trying their best to get back into this game.

  • 53'

    Dindane delivers the first good cross to Drogba, who heads back across goal and his effort goes just wide.

  • 52'

    ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: Great goal by Luis Fabiano. Though FIFA have stopped short of showing the replay twice because the crowd booed a possible handball. Maicon, meanwhile, is still limping. They have Dani Alves but that is a worry for Brazil.

  • 51'

    It was all of his own making. Fabiano pulled off a double sombrero (a suspicion of hand-ball on the second one) and then smashed it in.

  • 50'

    GOAL Luis Fabiano strikes again!

  • 48'

    Maicon rolls around on the floor trying to get Tiene booked. It wasn't even a foul.

  • 48'

    Lucio steps out from the Brazilian defence to break up another IC attack.

  • 47'

    Gervinho, the forward who was dropped to accommodate Drogba, is warming up on the side lines.

  • 46'

    The teams are out and ready to go for the second-half. Brazil get us underway, kicking from right to left.

  • 45'

    Another Fabiano celebration shot.

  • 45'

    ESPN Stats & Info: Brazil have never lost a game when leading at half-time, and have only failed to win twice. The two draws were with Czechoslovakia in 1938 and Switzerland in 1950.

  • 45'

    Meanwhile, Jayaditya Gupta has been Investigating North Korea - rivals in Group G

  • 45'

    There is much to do for Ivory Coast, but at least they are not in as much trouble as France, who have a mutiny on their hands. Catastrophe for Les Bleus

  • 45'

    Comment from Dale Johnson: We expected this to be a great game but, just like the Ivory Coast-Portugal game, it has been pretty dull. But it does mean Ivory Coast surely have to come out and attack or face an early exit from the finals for a second successive time.

  • 45'

    For Brazil, Melo has bossed the midfield. Kaka, who did provide the assist for the goal, could do much better.

  • 45'

    Didier Drogba looks very rusty up front for Ivory Coast. Eboue has been their best player, breaking from midfield.

  • 45'

    ESPN Stats & Info: In five World Cup matches, Ivory Coast have never scored first. Greece are the only other team in the 2010 World Cup who have also never scored first in a World Cup match.

  • 45'

    That is the final action of the half. Brazil lead 1-0 at Soccer City.

  • 45'

    Kaka is eased off the ball by Yaya Toure. IC break, but Bastos makes a great tackle in his own penalty area to win the ball.

  • 45'

    Fabiano celebrates

  • 44'

    Brazil are happy to keep the ball at the back as half-time draws near.

  • 43'

    Alright lads let's get the game underway!

  • 42'

    Tiene is down holding his face and the ref blows the whistle to stop play. I bet he will be fine in a second.

  • 41'

    Dindane gets behind the Brazil back four for the first time... but the flag is up for offside.

  • 40'

    Eboue picks the ball up in midfield. He drives towards goal, looks up and smashes a shot that goes just wide. A good effort.

  • 39'

    Drogba has had to feed on scraps so far. The IC really need to get him the ball if they want to get back into this match.

  • 37'

    Robinho celebrates as the Fabiano's shot hits the back of the net.

  • 37'

    Demel with a better cross this time. Drogba waits and appeals for a hand-ball as Juan clears the danger. It wasn't hand-ball.

  • 36'

    Demel has space to cross from the right. His delivery is too near Cesar, who collects the ball at his near post.

  • 35'

    Kalou twists and turns to get away from Maicon. Melo joins the battle from the centre of midfield and makes a good tackle.

  • 34'

    Brazil are playing at a slow pace and then suddenly spring to life with a burst of pace.

  • 32'

    Bastos clips a pass into the box for Kaka. The forward leaps but can't get his head on the ball.

  • 32'

    Bastos clips a pass into the box for Kaka. The forward leaps but can't get his head on the ball.

  • 31'

    Brazil have a freekick, but Dunga wanted the ref to play the advantage. The moment has gone and IC have time to get back in defence.

  • 31'

    Brazil have a freekick, but Dunga wanted the ref to play the advantage. The moment has gone and IC have time to get back in defence.

  • 30'

    Kalou takes a tumble.

  • 29'

    Kaka on the run.

  • 28'

    Drogba and Lucio are trying to out do each other in the 'pretending to be injured' awards.

  • 27'

    ESPN Stats & Info: Brazil has now scored in 24 consecutive group matches at the World Cup.

  • 26'

    ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: Maicon again the man to most impress. He's got the measure of the Ivorian left flank. I was just going to say that Luis Fabiano looks frustrated but what do I know? That finish had shades of Landon Donovan against Slovenia.

  • 25'

    Kaka, who had done nothing, danced his way through two tackles before slipping the ball through to Fabiano, who had seen none of the action. A goal from nowhere. But a good one!

  • 24'

    Fabiano latches onto a Kaka through-ball and lashes the ball into the roof of the net.

  • 23'

    Well, so far, this isn't the exciting game we were all hoping for.

  • 22'

    Kalou turns Maicon too easily, but Lucio is quick to cover and tackles the IC forward.

  • 21'

    Kaka gives the ball away again. Robinho is dropping deep to try and get into the game.

  • 20'

    Elano takes the corner. IC goalkeeper Barry plucks the ball out of the air under no pressure at all.

  • 19'

    Elano's clever dummy sets Maicon free on the right, but his cross is too deep. Brazil win a corner though.

  • 18'

    After a pinball session in the IC penalty box the ball falls to Gilberto, who blasts a half-volley over the bar.

  • 17'

    IC with some great build up play. But Toure's forward pass to Kalou is too hard to control and the move breaksdown.

  • 16'

    Robinho dances around the ball for no reason... but the crowd love it.

  • 15'

    Eboue delivers from the left. His freekick is supposed to be a cross but it looks like it might just creep in until Cesar punches it clear.

  • 14'

    Eboue crosses to the far post. Lucio heads half clear and then fouls Drogba in his attempt to sweep up.

  • 13'

    Drogab obviously hasn't been watching footage of this World Cup as he attempts to score from a freekick 30-yards out. Needless to say, he doesn't.

  • 12'

    ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: A bloodless affair so far save for that Robinho effort. The American students next to me are gossiping away and overusing the word 'like'. Budweiser is being supped.

  • 11'

    Eboue cuts in from the flank and wins a freekick from his former Arsenal team-mate Gilberto.

  • 10'

    Lucio and Maicon, both defenders, are in the IC half trying to make something happen.

  • 9'

    A slow start by either side here. The teams are still testing each other for a weakness.

  • 8'

    Tiote clips the ball into the box for Drogba. Juan heads clear.

  • 7'

    Demel brings the ball forward, he ignores a good run outside him, turns inside and then loses the ball. Poor decision making there.

  • 6'

    Kaka is caught in possession. Demel probes the right flank for IC but it comes to nothing.

  • 5'

    Kalou beats his man in midfield. He plays a through-ball for Drogba, but again there is too much on the pass.

  • 4'

    Brazil keep the ball at the back. Lucio brings it forward. Robinho's touch is too heavy and IC win possession.

  • 3'

    ...his delivery is far too long and the ball goes out for a goalkick.

  • 3'

    Drogba's first contribution is poor but Eboue wins a freekick. Tiene will launch it into the box...

  • 2'

    Dindane drives forward after a few passes at the back for Ivory Coast. But it comes to nothing.

  • 1'

    Kaka launches the first attack. Robinho takes over and chips a shot from 25-yards that isn't too far over the bar.

  • 1'

    Ivory Coast get the game underway. Kicking from right to left.

  • So Ivory Coast will wear a Celtic style kit and Brazil are in their normal yellow and green strip.

  • The captains shake hands and swap banners. Drogba is sporting an odd green and white hooped number.

  • ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: Didier Drogba received the biggest cheer when his face appeared on the big screen. I will stick my neck out and predict a draw here.

  • Kolo Toure is belting out the Ivory Coast national anthem. Kalou is stern faced.

  • Here we go with the national anthems. Plenty of singing in the Brazilian ranks.

  • The vuvuzelas are buzzing as the players wait in the tunnel. They emerge to massive cheers.

  • ESPN Stats & Info: Ivory Coast's goalless draw with Portugal marked the first time they had failed to score in a World Cup game; though it was also the first time they had kept a clean sheet.

  • Didier Drogba will start, and not only does he carry the hopes of all of Ivory Coast, but the whole of Africa too. Can he deliver?

  • ESPN Stats & Info: Brazil have won all five of their previous World Cup matches against African teams, keeping a clean sheet each time in the process.

  • Brazil will virtually secure their place in the next round with victory tonight and we can expect them to go all out to do so.

  • ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: I find myself at the very, very back of the stand among a highly youthful audience for one of the most expected matches of the group stage. Africa's pride is at stake though a chap near me is fully swaddled in an England flag. Brave man. Foolish man.

  • Brazil coach Dunga will stick with same XI that beat North Korea 2-1 in their opening match.

  • Ivory Coast manager Sven Goran Eriksson has decided to start Didier Drogba against Group G leaders Brazil.

  • Join us at 18.30 GMT to see if Didier Drogba can make the difference against Brazil.



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26/10/2008 free counters

Copa do Mundo live Brazil 3 - 0 Ivory Coa AO VIVO: Brasil faz 3 a 0 na Costa do Marfim

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Copa do Mundo
Brasil 3 0 Costa do Marfim



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26/10/2008 free counters

Live - Brazil 3-0 Ivory Coast

Second Half - 64'


3 - 0

Ivory Coast

Group G, 18:30 GMT, June 20, 2010

Soccer City Stadium, Johannesburg, South Africa

  • 63'

    It was an easy finish, but a great run from Elano. Kaka with another assist.

  • 62'

    GOAL Elano strikes! Finishing off a cut back from Kaka.

  • 61'

    Robinho and Kaka combine on the edge of the box. Kaka's shot stings the hands of Barry, but doesn't beat the keeper.

  • 60'

    ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: Drogba's second glaring miss of the tournament. His being on the field reminds me of Sven playing clearly unfit stars in both Beckham and Rooney.

  • 59'

    Maicon passes inside. Elano attempts a shot from 30-yards that goes well wide.

  • 58'

    Gervinho makes a great turn in midfield and runs at the defence. He tries to go all the way himself but over-runs the ball. He looks like a dangerman though.

  • 57'

    Kalou fires the ball up to Drogba, who spins Lucio, but is incorrectly flagged offside.

  • 56'

    A scrappy affair in midfield at the moment.

  • 55'

    Gervinho comes on for Dindane.

  • 54'

    IC are trying their best to get back into this game.

  • 53'

    Dindane delivers the first good cross to Drogba, who heads back across goal and his effort goes just wide.

  • 52'

    ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: Great goal by Luis Fabiano. Though FIFA have stopped short of showing the replay twice because the crowd booed a possible handball. Maicon, meanwhile, is still limping. They have Dani Alves but that is a worry for Brazil.

  • 51'

    It was all of his own making. Fabiano pulled off a double sombrero (a suspicion of hand-ball on the second one) and then smashed it in.

  • 50'

    GOAL Luis Fabiano strikes again!

  • 48'

    Maicon rolls around on the floor trying to get Tiene booked. It wasn't even a foul.

  • 48'

    Lucio steps out from the Brazilian defence to break up another IC attack.

  • 47'

    Gervinho, the forward who was dropped to accommodate Drogba, is warming up on the side lines.

  • 46'

    The teams are out and ready to go for the second-half. Brazil get us underway, kicking from right to left.

  • 45'

    Another Fabiano celebration shot.

  • 45'

    ESPN Stats & Info: Brazil have never lost a game when leading at half-time, and have only failed to win twice. The two draws were with Czechoslovakia in 1938 and Switzerland in 1950.

  • 45'

    Meanwhile, Jayaditya Gupta has been Investigating North Korea - rivals in Group G

  • 45'

    There is much to do for Ivory Coast, but at least they are not in as much trouble as France, who have a mutiny on their hands. Catastrophe for Les Bleus

  • 45'

    Comment from Dale Johnson: We expected this to be a great game but, just like the Ivory Coast-Portugal game, it has been pretty dull. But it does mean Ivory Coast surely have to come out and attack or face an early exit from the finals for a second successive time.

  • 45'

    For Brazil, Melo has bossed the midfield. Kaka, who did provide the assist for the goal, could do much better.

  • 45'

    Didier Drogba looks very rusty up front for Ivory Coast. Eboue has been their best player, breaking from midfield.

  • 45'

    ESPN Stats & Info: In five World Cup matches, Ivory Coast have never scored first. Greece are the only other team in the 2010 World Cup who have also never scored first in a World Cup match.

  • 45'

    That is the final action of the half. Brazil lead 1-0 at Soccer City.

  • 45'

    Kaka is eased off the ball by Yaya Toure. IC break, but Bastos makes a great tackle in his own penalty area to win the ball.

  • 45'

    Fabiano celebrates

  • 44'

    Brazil are happy to keep the ball at the back as half-time draws near.

  • 43'

    Alright lads let's get the game underway!

  • 42'

    Tiene is down holding his face and the ref blows the whistle to stop play. I bet he will be fine in a second.

  • 41'

    Dindane gets behind the Brazil back four for the first time... but the flag is up for offside.

  • 40'

    Eboue picks the ball up in midfield. He drives towards goal, looks up and smashes a shot that goes just wide. A good effort.

  • 39'

    Drogba has had to feed on scraps so far. The IC really need to get him the ball if they want to get back into this match.

  • 37'

    Robinho celebrates as the Fabiano's shot hits the back of the net.

  • 37'

    Demel with a better cross this time. Drogba waits and appeals for a hand-ball as Juan clears the danger. It wasn't hand-ball.

  • 36'

    Demel has space to cross from the right. His delivery is too near Cesar, who collects the ball at his near post.

  • 35'

    Kalou twists and turns to get away from Maicon. Melo joins the battle from the centre of midfield and makes a good tackle.

  • 34'

    Brazil are playing at a slow pace and then suddenly spring to life with a burst of pace.

  • 32'

    Bastos clips a pass into the box for Kaka. The forward leaps but can't get his head on the ball.

  • 32'

    Bastos clips a pass into the box for Kaka. The forward leaps but can't get his head on the ball.

  • 31'

    Brazil have a freekick, but Dunga wanted the ref to play the advantage. The moment has gone and IC have time to get back in defence.

  • 31'

    Brazil have a freekick, but Dunga wanted the ref to play the advantage. The moment has gone and IC have time to get back in defence.

  • 30'

    Kalou takes a tumble.

  • 29'

    Kaka on the run.

  • 28'

    Drogba and Lucio are trying to out do each other in the 'pretending to be injured' awards.

  • 27'

    ESPN Stats & Info: Brazil has now scored in 24 consecutive group matches at the World Cup.

  • 26'

    ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: Maicon again the man to most impress. He's got the measure of the Ivorian left flank. I was just going to say that Luis Fabiano looks frustrated but what do I know? That finish had shades of Landon Donovan against Slovenia.

  • 25'

    Kaka, who had done nothing, danced his way through two tackles before slipping the ball through to Fabiano, who had seen none of the action. A goal from nowhere. But a good one!

  • 24'

    Fabiano latches onto a Kaka through-ball and lashes the ball into the roof of the net.

  • 23'

    Well, so far, this isn't the exciting game we were all hoping for.

  • 22'

    Kalou turns Maicon too easily, but Lucio is quick to cover and tackles the IC forward.

  • 21'

    Kaka gives the ball away again. Robinho is dropping deep to try and get into the game.

  • 20'

    Elano takes the corner. IC goalkeeper Barry plucks the ball out of the air under no pressure at all.

  • 19'

    Elano's clever dummy sets Maicon free on the right, but his cross is too deep. Brazil win a corner though.

  • 18'

    After a pinball session in the IC penalty box the ball falls to Gilberto, who blasts a half-volley over the bar.

  • 17'

    IC with some great build up play. But Toure's forward pass to Kalou is too hard to control and the move breaksdown.

  • 16'

    Robinho dances around the ball for no reason... but the crowd love it.

  • 15'

    Eboue delivers from the left. His freekick is supposed to be a cross but it looks like it might just creep in until Cesar punches it clear.

  • 14'

    Eboue crosses to the far post. Lucio heads half clear and then fouls Drogba in his attempt to sweep up.

  • 13'

    Drogab obviously hasn't been watching footage of this World Cup as he attempts to score from a freekick 30-yards out. Needless to say, he doesn't.

  • 12'

    ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: A bloodless affair so far save for that Robinho effort. The American students next to me are gossiping away and overusing the word 'like'. Budweiser is being supped.

  • 11'

    Eboue cuts in from the flank and wins a freekick from his former Arsenal team-mate Gilberto.

  • 10'

    Lucio and Maicon, both defenders, are in the IC half trying to make something happen.

  • 9'

    A slow start by either side here. The teams are still testing each other for a weakness.

  • 8'

    Tiote clips the ball into the box for Drogba. Juan heads clear.

  • 7'

    Demel brings the ball forward, he ignores a good run outside him, turns inside and then loses the ball. Poor decision making there.

  • 6'

    Kaka is caught in possession. Demel probes the right flank for IC but it comes to nothing.

  • 5'

    Kalou beats his man in midfield. He plays a through-ball for Drogba, but again there is too much on the pass.

  • 4'

    Brazil keep the ball at the back. Lucio brings it forward. Robinho's touch is too heavy and IC win possession.

  • 3'

    ...his delivery is far too long and the ball goes out for a goalkick.

  • 3'

    Drogba's first contribution is poor but Eboue wins a freekick. Tiene will launch it into the box...

  • 2'

    Dindane drives forward after a few passes at the back for Ivory Coast. But it comes to nothing.

  • 1'

    Kaka launches the first attack. Robinho takes over and chips a shot from 25-yards that isn't too far over the bar.

  • 1'

    Ivory Coast get the game underway. Kicking from right to left.

  • So Ivory Coast will wear a Celtic style kit and Brazil are in their normal yellow and green strip.

  • The captains shake hands and swap banners. Drogba is sporting an odd green and white hooped number.

  • ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: Didier Drogba received the biggest cheer when his face appeared on the big screen. I will stick my neck out and predict a draw here.

  • Kolo Toure is belting out the Ivory Coast national anthem. Kalou is stern faced.

  • Here we go with the national anthems. Plenty of singing in the Brazilian ranks.

  • The vuvuzelas are buzzing as the players wait in the tunnel. They emerge to massive cheers.

  • ESPN Stats & Info: Ivory Coast's goalless draw with Portugal marked the first time they had failed to score in a World Cup game; though it was also the first time they had kept a clean sheet.

  • Didier Drogba will start, and not only does he carry the hopes of all of Ivory Coast, but the whole of Africa too. Can he deliver?

  • ESPN Stats & Info: Brazil have won all five of their previous World Cup matches against African teams, keeping a clean sheet each time in the process.

  • Brazil will virtually secure their place in the next round with victory tonight and we can expect them to go all out to do so.

  • ESPN's John Brewin at Soccer City Stadium: I find myself at the very, very back of the stand among a highly youthful audience for one of the most expected matches of the group stage. Africa's pride is at stake though a chap near me is fully swaddled in an England flag. Brave man. Foolish man.

  • Brazil coach Dunga will stick with same XI that beat North Korea 2-1 in their opening match.

  • Ivory Coast manager Sven Goran Eriksson has decided to start Didier Drogba against Group G leaders Brazil.

  • Join us at 18.30 GMT to see if Didier Drogba can make the difference against Brazil.



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